event Mar 12, 2025, 02:30:00 PM

Group & Base Ride Social

map Golden Gate Bridge straighten 36.3 km landscape 300m repeat 3 laps sports_score Time based

Group rides are the ultimate in cycling enjoyment, come for a ride and explore the many and varied routes across myWhoosh and use these events to engage with the community.

ae Pere Girones
ph Hubert Esteban
ee Hindrik Uusen
Rank Pos unfold_more Rider Finish time unfold_more watts unfold_more w/kg unfold_more 20m expand_more 5m unfold_more 1m unfold_more RPM unfold_more HR unfold_more Weight unfold_more Action
ph Hubert esteban 01:12:00.014 167w 2.386w/kg 191w 207w 239w 0 150bpm 70kg
ee Hindrik Uusen 01:21:11.100
179w 1.827w/kg 215w 255w 300w 64 0bpm 98kg
ae pere girones 01:12:56.764
201w 2.31w/kg 229w 254w 293w 75 0bpm 87kg
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