Tempo Surges #1
Duration 34:00 TSS 34 IF 0.77 Has RPM target-
03:00 @ 50% FTP
2x01:00 @ 75% FTP,
01:00 @ 50% FTP -
2x01:00 @ 90% FTP,
01:00 @ 50% FTP -
00:20 @ 125% FTP
05:00 @ 75% FTP - 88% FTP @ 80RPM
02:00 @ 50% FTP
00:20 @ 125% FTP
05:00 @ 75% FTP - 88% FTP @ 90RPM
02:00 @ 50% FTP
00:20 @ 125% FTP
05:00 @ 75% FTP - 88% FTP @ 80RPM
03:00 @ 50% FTP
Completing long tempo efforts with short, high-intensity surges is another way to increase threshold power. The body must process the lactate produced from the above threshold surges with the constant high power.