Endurance with Short Sprints
Duration 01:01:12 TSS 92 IF 0.95 Has instructions-
07:00 @ 40% FTP - 60% FTP
3x03:00 @ 50% FTP,
00:06 @ 250% FTP -
04:00 @ 40% FTP
3x03:00 @ 50% FTP,
00:06 @ 250% FTP -
04:00 @ 40% FTP
3x03:00 @ 50% FTP,
00:06 @ 250% FTP -
04:00 @ 40% FTP
3x03:00 @ 50% FTP,
00:06 @ 250% FTP -
05:00 @ 40% FTP
This session will help improve your endurance capacity and peak power efforts with a gravel focus. Including 6-second maximal efforts throughout the ride, a mix of torque, power and cadence efforts. Carry out 4 x 9m18s minute blocks with the 6 seconds coming every 3 minutes.