Torque Endurance
Duration 01:00:00 TSS 62 IF 0.79 Has instructions-
03:00 @ 55% FTP
03:00 @ 65% FTP
02:00 @ 80% FTP
02:00 @ 90% FTP
03:00 @ 55% FTP
3x02:30 @ 86% FTP,
00:30 @ 86% FTP -
03:00 @ 55% FTP
3x02:30 @ 86% FTP,
00:30 @ 86% FTP -
03:00 @ 55% FTP
3x02:30 @ 86% FTP,
00:30 @ 86% FTP -
03:00 @ 55% FTP
3x02:00 @ 86% FTP,
00:30 @ 86% FTP -
03:30 @ 55% FTP
Gravel racing often requires lots of time in a lower cadence, but because of the uneven surfaces, you often have to pedal more than on the road. Even when drafting, you have to keep the pressure on the pedals. This workout splits the cadences between low and high to build your torque endurance.