Seated Accelerations
Duration 53:35 TSS 116 IF 1.14 Has instructions-
07:00 @ 25% FTP - 75% FTP
2x00:55 @ 75% FTP,
01:00 @ 50% FTP -
05:00 @ 81% FTP
5x00:07 @ 300% FTP,
03:00 @ 75% FTP -
03:00 @ 50% FTP
5x00:10 @ 250% FTP,
03:00 @ 50% FTP -
03:20 @ 65% FTP
Changes in pace often occur in gravel racing. Today's workout replicates those pace changes and gives you some management tips. Follow along with the instructions and enjoy the session! **This session is best completed with ERG mode turned off**