Fat for Fuel
Duration 56:00 TSS 37 IF 0.63 Has instructions-
04:00 @ 55% FTP
03:00 @ 65% FTP
04:00 @ 55% FTP
05:00 @ 68% FTP
02:00 @ 72% FTP
04:00 @ 55% FTP
05:00 @ 68% FTP
02:00 @ 72% FTP
04:00 @ 55% FTP
05:00 @ 68% FTP
02:00 @ 72% FTP
04:00 @ 50% FTP
05:00 @ 68% FTP
02:00 @ 72% FTP
05:00 @ 65% FTP - 25% FTP
This low-intensity session is designed to improve your ability to utilise fat as a fuel source. Riding at low powers uses fat oxidation more than carbohydrates. Although we recommend care to be taken with your nutrition, it is possible to do this session fasted. However, consume a meal immediately after the session and continue your daily dietary routine. IMPORTANT: This is not a session to lose weight but to improve your body's capability to use fat as a fuel source.