Rest Day OR Free-ride volume

Duration 01:00:00 TSS 0 IF 0
  • 01:00:00 @ Free ride

Free Ride Use today in a way that best suits your needs. Take a well-deserved rest day, or if looking to increase your weekly volume, today is the perfect day to achieve this. Your focus each week should first be on completing the set interval workouts. However, if you have the time available to increase your weekly volume, then Zone 2 endurance riding will complement your training plan. Long periods within Zone 2 will benefit any athlete. In this training Zone, we predominately stimulate Type 1 muscle fibres, leading to increased mitochondrial growth and function. You improve your ability to utilise fat as the preferred fuel source and preserve your precious glycogen stores with endurance training. To achieve this riding time within Zone 2, options include joining a low-intensity group ride, or performing a free-ride over a predominately flat course.
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