Endurance with 30/30's
Duration 34:00 TSS 32 IF 0.75-
05:00 @ 50% FTP - 70% FTP
3x00:30 @ 65% FTP,
00:30 @ 80% FTP -
15:00 @ 65% FTP
6x00:30 @ 113% FTP,
00:30 @ 76% FTP -
05:00 @ 60% FTP - 50% FTP
We don't always have the luxury of beginning the high-intensity work completely fresh and fully recovered. The ability to hit our best numbers when fatigued, is crucial to our performance when racing. By completing a period of Zone 2 Endurance, we build fatigue in the legs before performing 6 x 30sec efforts @ Z5 Power with 30sec recovery.