Bruges City Sprint

Distance: 300m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 126

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
gb Dan Braund 2025/03/07 21:30 00:21.699 626w 168bpm
gb-sct Paul Anderson 2025/02/19 21:30 00:22.259 523w 170bpm
it Davide Berton 2025/02/19 21:30 00:23.170 596w 154bpm
gb-sct James Hutchison 2025/02/19 21:30 00:23.449 477w 160bpm
gb Sean Gray 2025/03/05 21:30 00:23.493 485w 157bpm
gb David Lovegood 2025/03/05 21:30 00:23.786 497w 179bpm
de Christian Hofbeck 2025/03/03 21:30 00:23.926 593w 176bpm
cz Radek Kulha 2025/03/03 21:30 00:24.433 517w 125bpm
ae Raphael Hirner 2025/03/04 21:30 00:24.516 389w 0bpm
fi Matti Pajari 2025/03/07 11:45 00:24.665 472w 141bpm
pl Tomasz Zasucha 2025/02/21 21:30 00:25.040 495w 135bpm
it Leonardo Cesanelli 2025/03/07 11:45 00:25.118 527w 0bpm
bg Teo Power 2025/02/19 21:30 00:25.122 456w 0bpm
se Fredrik Strid 2025/01/25 20:30 00:25.195 478w 0bpm
pt Filipe Simoes 2025/01/25 20:30 00:25.281 429w 159bpm
be jeroen caen 2025/01/25 20:30 00:25.317 417w 0bpm
de Felix Ronsdorf 2025/02/19 21:30 00:25.334 402w 183bpm
it luca pollastri 2025/03/03 21:30 00:25.445 461w 0bpm
pl Piotr TC 2025/02/19 21:30 00:25.706 346w 165bpm
ch Jan Freuler 2025/02/19 21:30 00:25.804 290w 163bpm
fr clement viana 2025/02/18 21:30 00:25.876 405w 172bpm
fr mat mat 2025/03/05 21:30 00:26.300 268w 155bpm
pt carlos rebelo 2025/03/05 21:30 00:26.302 254w 0bpm
se Idun Strid 2025/01/25 20:30 00:26.371 184w 0bpm
fr fabrice decarvalho 2025/01/25 20:30 00:26.432 438w 0bpm
us Andrew Lim 2025/02/18 21:30 00:26.432 296w 0bpm
ae Takumi Omori 2025/03/07 11:45 00:26.504 284w 0bpm
us jeff parker 2025/02/18 21:30 00:26.609 247w 164bpm
jp keiji y 2025/02/18 03:45 00:26.628 274w 165bpm
it Federico Stocchi 2025/03/07 21:30 00:26.936 415w 174bpm
ae Sebastien Marquant 2025/02/18 21:30 00:26.994 297w 0bpm
gb Rich Evans 2025/03/03 21:30 00:27.144 293w 0bpm
pl Krystian Goluch 2025/03/04 21:30 00:27.463 347w 159bpm
pt Andre Libras 2025/01/25 20:30 00:27.518 292w 0bpm
kr Nick Kim 2025/03/03 11:45 00:27.524 338w 0bpm
it Matteo Vivenzi 2025/03/03 21:30 00:27.558 361w 172bpm
it Alex Bongiorno 2025/02/17 21:30 00:27.627 229w 0bpm
fr INDRIGO SEBASTIEN 2025/02/17 21:30 00:27.699 320w 128bpm
pt zétó Costa 2025/02/17 21:30 00:28.211 263w 0bpm
it Giuseppe Battaglia 2025/02/20 21:30 00:28.257 186w 157bpm
fr THIERRY LAFITTE 2025/02/18 11:45 00:28.303 234w 0bpm
it Valerio Dolfi 2025/02/17 21:30 00:28.304 236w 159bpm
ph Joy Fernandez 2025/03/03 11:45 00:28.335 240w 146bpm
ae Fred Auffret 2025/02/20 21:30 00:28.345 300w 0bpm
fr louis roche 2025/02/17 21:30 00:28.461 238w 0bpm
de Benjamin Dürr 2025/03/06 21:30 00:28.495 266w 164bpm
jp s mizu 2025/03/05 11:45 00:28.534 270w 182bpm
kr eun jung 2025/02/18 11:45 00:28.578 217w 0bpm
jp chow chow 2025/02/18 11:45 00:28.606 225w 0bpm
co Diego Retavisca 2025/01/25 20:30 00:28.688 193w 0bpm
gb Dave Dykes 2025/02/17 21:30 00:28.699 320w 141bpm
it Danilo Riva 2025/03/06 21:30 00:28.722 267w 0bpm
us Ryan Kedrowski 2025/03/04 21:30 00:28.774 261w 0bpm
tt Emile Abraham 2025/03/04 21:30 00:28.784 243w 137bpm
de Frank Schmitz 2025/02/20 21:30 00:28.881 255w 154bpm
us Juan Snow 2025/03/07 03:45 00:28.944 292w 0bpm
de Henk Archer 2025/02/18 11:45 00:28.952 236w 140bpm
fr Priscilla Le blanc 2025/02/20 21:30 00:29.101 193w 180bpm
br Thiago Munaier 2025/02/21 03:45 00:29.284 332w 0bpm
es Luis Ruiz 2025/01/25 20:30 00:29.308 285w 0bpm
br Luiz C Araujo 2025/03/07 03:45 00:29.330 252w 139bpm
it massimo malfatti 2025/03/04 21:30 00:29.422 280w 169bpm
it Guido InBike 2025/03/05 21:30 00:29.516 242w 136bpm
za cts cts 2025/02/21 03:45 00:29.532 259w 0bpm
it Cristian Raimo 2025/02/20 21:30 00:29.581 245w 171bpm
fr Sandrine GUERRE 2025/02/20 21:30 00:29.734 170w 103bpm
us Golden RRR 2025/02/18 03:45 00:29.999 203w 131bpm
ae Mateusz Janowski 2025/03/03 21:30 00:30.141 308w 0bpm
co alonso alvaran 2025/02/18 03:45 00:30.190 215w 157bpm
cn Haoran Sun 2025/03/04 21:30 00:30.234 244w 0bpm
ae ron khurana 2025/02/21 03:45 00:30.311 203w 0bpm
va Dev Iace 2025/02/20 03:45 00:30.335 207w 121bpm
fr calistri cedric 2025/03/04 21:30 00:30.422 212w 0bpm
us Peter Shoemaker 2025/02/20 03:45 00:30.447 221w 149bpm
es RAUL ARCHILES 2025/03/03 21:30 00:30.716 210w 143bpm
fr ZEN DAVID 2025/03/07 21:30 00:30.918 222w 142bpm
si pico bost 2025/02/19 21:30 00:30.943 204w 160bpm
fr lou calsach 2025/02/21 21:30 00:31.021 202w 0bpm
fr Mélanie LANGET 2025/02/19 21:30 00:31.156 160w 155bpm
pt Hugo Bogalho 2025/03/04 11:45 00:31.172 207w 130bpm
es Vic Castro 2025/03/04 21:30 00:31.249 173w 146bpm
us Chris Gutsell 2025/03/06 03:45 00:31.399 210w 150bpm
nl Menze Pouw 2025/01/25 20:30 00:31.533 201w 0bpm
co sebastian arias 2025/03/05 03:45 00:31.554 175w 147bpm
ad Carles Renau 2025/03/05 03:45 00:31.581 187w 0bpm
jp Virus JPN 2025/03/05 03:45 00:31.595 168w 146bpm
fr del fab 2025/03/05 21:30 00:31.633 177w 144bpm
de Mario Luigi 2025/02/17 21:30 00:31.919 194w 141bpm
si Sergey Gasyuk 2025/02/20 21:30 00:32.014 206w 158bpm
ad Aleix Anducas caus 2025/03/06 21:30 00:32.019 188w 0bpm
ae rudy hayden 2025/03/06 03:45 00:32.112 159w 0bpm
gb-sct gerry Ryan 2025/02/20 21:30 00:32.818 183w 0bpm
it alberto albertin 2025/02/20 21:30 00:32.823 219w 151bpm
ch pius fricker 2025/02/18 03:45 00:32.834 183w 0bpm
au john broughton 2025/03/04 03:45 00:32.966 267w 113bpm
ae Jonny B 2025/02/18 11:45 00:33.118 203w 0bpm
es Juan Garcia 2025/03/04 11:45 00:33.204 210w 136bpm
au gilli green 2025/03/03 11:45 00:33.304 211w 140bpm
ae Ivan Iliev 2025/03/04 21:30 00:33.496 168w 0bpm
fr gui per 2025/01/25 20:30 00:33.527 167w 0bpm
( Items: 1 - 100 from 126 )
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