event Tue, 28 Jan 2025 21:30:00

Rampage Racing

map Arctic Trail straighten 17.5 km landscape 54m repeat 3 laps sports_score Points based

Segment points are awarded to the fastest through timed sections, while finish line points go to the first riders across. Stay fast, stay sharp, and fight to the finish.

Rider Duration expand_more Power unfold_more BPM unfold_more Points unfold_more Custom points unfold_more
es Cristian Gonzalez 00:15.288 655w 157bpm 10 0
es noysu da 00:15.728 641w 168bpm 9 0
ae Alessandro Tomasella 00:16.048 523w 169bpm 8 0
fr graffin anthony 00:16.229 594w 154bpm 7 0
es Busi Xtrem 00:16.925 367w 160bpm 6 0
fr erwan gaston 00:17.763 469w 147bpm 5 0
it Screw Damage 00:18.528 371w 157bpm 4 0
za Eugene Nyawo 00:18.797 228w 179bpm 3 0
si alex Alexander 00:18.858 264w 143bpm 2 0
it Tommaso Piovesana 00:19.445 458w 154bpm 1 0
fr Valentin Maud 00:19.498 225w 168bpm 0 0
mn OTGONBAT MECC 00:19.512 212w 175bpm 0 0
de Ralf Tepe 00:19.612 423w 0bpm 0 0
be Theo Lefort 00:19.621 140w 0bpm 0 0
fr Forty Two 00:19.982 235w 157bpm 0 0
de Joern Hillebrecht 00:20.129 244w 169bpm 0 0
fr Vincent GVC 00:20.143 241w 0bpm 0 0
ae Andrea Stefanini 00:21.362 160w 0bpm 0 0
ie Davey O 00:22.545 257w 0bpm 0 0
hu Zsolt Holczer 00:22.788 207w 0bpm 0 0
hu Lestar Gabor 00:23.126 174w 152bpm 0 0
fr Thierry Queau 00:23.834 164w 0bpm 0 0
gb-nir Brian Field - Old Stuntmonkey 00:24.504 170w 163bpm 0 0
( Items: 1 - 23 from 23 )
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