event Wed, 26 Feb 2025 20:30:00

NSA - Golden Eagles Race Series

map Parramatta straighten 15.7 km landscape 135m repeat 5 laps sports_score Points based

Join the Golden J-EaglesĀ  Race Series, open for all! Focus for the younger generation as an introduction into E sport racing. Where you can race, sprint, and climb like a pro!

Rider Duration expand_more Power unfold_more BPM unfold_more Points unfold_more Custom points unfold_more
ca Henrique Martins 00:45.073 524w 185bpm 10 0
pt Diogo Oliveira 00:46.394 538w 167bpm 9 0
se Erik Rindborg 00:49.347 490w 149bpm 8 0
pt Francisco Sobrinho 00:50.709 402w 182bpm 7 0
za Barry Forssman 00:53.543 407w 167bpm 6 0
de Rick 90 00:56.740 370w 0bpm 5 0
pt Jose Silva 00:57.885 340w 162bpm 3 0
de Guenther Lehner 01:06.495 304w 147bpm 2 0
si Marko Prot 01:06.522 270w 146bpm 1 0
gb keiran wright 01:08.310 301w 123bpm 0 0
fr Clement Longuet 01:11.253 234w 0bpm 0 0
fr Bdr Theofeng 01:11.624 268w 0bpm 0 0
cz jan sevcik 01:12.791 248w 147bpm 0 0
se Loke Strid 01:20.934 120w 0bpm 0 0
be Favay Marc 01:21.797 299w 147bpm 0 0
si Primoz Tori 01:21.893 269w 131bpm 0 0
it Stefano puro 01:22.994 202w 127bpm 0 0
dk Anders Dybro 01:26.065 234w 139bpm 0 0
pt Mario Pinto 01:33.722 212w 0bpm 0 0
at Christian Reitinger 01:35.050 168w 114bpm 0 0
gb-wls Stephen Stritch 01:46.079 205w 121bpm 0 0
es sergio keko 01:51.346 159w 129bpm 0 0
pl Maciej Busiakiewicz 01:53.476 214w 125bpm 0 0
se Idun Strid 02:31.673 65w 0bpm 0 0
ee Hindrik Uusen 03:29.142 100w 148bpm 0 0
( Items: 1 - 25 from 25 )
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