event Mar 14, 2025, 03:30:00 PM

The tour of flandeurs

map The Muur straighten 30.2 km landscape 354m repeat 2 laps sports_score Time based

C est une cource de 17 km avec 2 boucles. Il y a 500m de dénivelé

be Dirk Segers
ma Hassan Abou Ali
gb Chris Hargreaves
Rank Pos unfold_more Rider Finish time unfold_more watts unfold_more w/kg unfold_more 20m unfold_more 5m unfold_more 1m unfold_more RPM expand_less HR unfold_more Weight unfold_more Action
be dirk segers 49:45.291
254w 3.848w/kg 262w 322w 433w 119 150bpm 66kg
ma hassan abou ali 49:44.938 250w 3.521w/kg 274w 334w 407w 80 38bpm 71kg
gb Chris Hargreaves 01:05:27.478
181w 2.207w/kg 209w 243w 270w 80 163bpm 82kg
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