event Mar 13, 2025, 09:15:00 AM

MyWhoosh Crit Race - Above 3.0W/KG

map Valley of Tombs straighten 14.7 km landscape 42m repeat 3 laps sports_score Time based

Fast laps, sharp turns, and explosive sprints. Crit Racing is all about speed and agility!

sg Sigi Stettmayer
de Andreas Sieben
jp Koh Yoshi
Rank Pos unfold_more Rider Finish time unfold_more watts unfold_more w/kg unfold_more 20m expand_more 5m unfold_more 1m unfold_more RPM unfold_more HR unfold_more Weight unfold_more Action
jp Koh Yoshi 25:11.241
210w 3.088w/kg 215w 251w 298w 45 0bpm 68kg
sg Sigi Stettmayer 23:49.364
228w 3.563w/kg 228w 236w 255w 73 148bpm 64kg
de Andreas Sieben 22:36.584 238w 3.212w/kg 235w 243w 283w 107 0bpm 74.1kg
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