event Mar 1, 2025, 07:00:00 PM

MyWhoosh Crit Race - Above 3.0W/KG

map Downtown LA straighten 18 km landscape 27m repeat 3 laps sports_score Time based

Fast laps, sharp turns, and explosive sprints. Crit Racing is all about speed and agility!

me Milos Vojvodic
es Jose Ponti
ae Alex Le Sueur
Rank Pos unfold_more Rider Finish time unfold_more watts unfold_more w/kg unfold_more 20m unfold_more 5m unfold_more 1m unfold_more RPM unfold_more HR expand_more Weight unfold_more Action
es jose ponti 28:09.866 247w 3.338w/kg 250w 336w 479w 74 132bpm 74kg
me Milos Vojvodic 28:33.217
260w 3.467w/kg 265w 314w 426w 86 141bpm 75kg
ae Alex Le sueur 28:59.842
159w 3.786w/kg 161w 169w 220w 111 171bpm 42kg
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