
Below you can find list of best 100 riders as per the selected filters

🥇 gb-wls David Zimmer 186 hours
🥈 ua Cecilia Hansen 67 hours
🥉 jp Ringo M 55 hours
4 ch Jan Murr 54 hours
5 us Alex Zeller 50 hours
6 de Sebastian Becker 50 hours
7 pl Marcin Trojanowski 48 hours
8 de David Dähn 45 hours
9 nz Jeff Rooney 45 hours
10 jp Aono Shinya 43 hours
11 ru Sergey Danilov 42 hours
12 it Rafael Zingerle 41 hours
13 no Olav-andre Myklebust 39 hours
14 es Chema Muros 39 hours
15 be Jurgen Mertens 39 hours
16 se Erik Rindborg 39 hours
17 be Ruben Dhondt 39 hours
18 us Frank Marquez 38 hours
19 cv I Monteiro Da Luz 37 hours
20 br Marcos Carvalho 37 hours
21 jp SHENG LI TSAI 36 hours
22 gb Thomas Lee 36 hours
23 pt Paulo Magalhães E Silva 35 hours
24 cz Martina Nesporkova 35 hours
25 kr YONGKWAN SHIN 35 hours
26 pt Zé Tó 35 hours
27 es Martin Goikoetxea Conde 35 hours
28 de Luc P. 34 hours
29 lv Juris Zigurs 34 hours
30 es Dexter Morgan 34 hours
31 kr Jinwoo Seo 34 hours
32 es MARINO AGUILERA 33 hours
33 us Marcos Brito 33 hours
34 us Michael Baber 33 hours
35 gb Dead Legs 33 hours
36 jp 104 Kozy 32 hours
37 es F MS 32 hours
38 pl Damian Kiersnowski 32 hours
39 de Kimberly Miller 32 hours
40 tr Mehmet Erdoğan 31 hours
41 de Niklas Von Haaren 31 hours
42 pl Michal Kaminski 31 hours
43 ca Vincent Chang 30 hours
44 de Che Hohwieler 30 hours
45 jp COMMUTE_HILL Commute_Hill 30 hours
46 it Paolo Facci 30 hours
47 ca Sebastien Richard 30 hours
48 il Max Apartin 30 hours
49 ru Astand Andrey 30 hours
50 de Oliver Werner 30 hours
51 nz Tom Hanks 29 hours
52 nl Igor Kväll #bmcc 29 hours
53 jp Masaru Ohata 29 hours
54 de Ike Godsey 29 hours
55 es Mauro Guillen 29 hours
56 ae Mr X100 29 hours
57 jp Taizo Ichinose 29 hours
58 se Lisa Hermansson 29 hours
59 pl Natalia Idzik 29 hours
60 no Andre VanDerBrakel 29 hours
61 co Julio Orrego 29 hours
62 au Andrew Neville-Ross 29 hours
63 ph Geneva Ellos 28 hours
64 co C.Esteban Pulgarin 28 hours
65 de Olf Deluxe 28 hours
66 cl Daniel Cadiz 28 hours
67 gb-wls Aled Parry 28 hours
68 fi Tatu Koistinen 28 hours
69 us Steven Elliott 28 hours
70 it EnMa Chicco 28 hours
71 kr BALENCIAGA . 27 hours
72 be Mathias Vanhee 27 hours
73 us Michael Aaronson 27 hours
74 gb-nir Colin Philo 27 hours
75 pt Diogo Ribeiro 27 hours
76 fr Florian Bordes 27 hours
77 ru Maksim Ryabinin 27 hours
78 gb-sct James Ogilvie 27 hours
79 pt Sergio Martins 27 hours
80 th Pakpoom Tadee 27 hours
81 us Brian Hren 27 hours
82 gb-nir Stu Art 27 hours
83 pl Wojciech CHR 27 hours
84 pt Antonio Guedelha 27 hours
85 ae Carlos Cobos 27 hours
86 nz Mollie Weston 27 hours
87 us Iker Mourelle 26 hours
88 de Mathias Goebel 26 hours
89 fi DC DC 26 hours
90 jp Sinnya Saitou 26 hours
91 pt Augusto Carmelino 26 hours
92 kr Isaac Koh 26 hours
93 kr HWANG GUN 26 hours
94 ae Ttt Ttt 26 hours
95 co Cinthia Michele Narvaez Hoyos 25 hours
96 ph Dorvin Kaye Ellos 25 hours
97 co Maria Jose Zabala 25 hours
98 es JUAN Mj 25 hours
99 pl Dawid Nytko 25 hours
100 pl Michal Stryczek 25 hours
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