
Below you can find list of best 100 riders as per the selected filters

🥇 jp Aono Shinya 143 hours
🥈 jp TAKAYUKI YAMAZAKI 142 hours
🥉 gb-nir Vignesh Vengatesan 127 hours
4 es J P 125 hours
5 cv I Monteiro Da Luz 122 hours
6 si Gasper Stepic 119 hours
7 pt Bruno Cubano 117 hours
8 us Pure Sugar 114 hours
9 fr Guillaume HAZARD 112 hours
10 fr Jean Bas 112 hours
11 us Oliver Jen 111 hours
12 nl J Encar 109 hours
13 mx Ricardo De Anda González 105 hours
14 pl Marcin Trojanowski 104 hours
15 si Marko Plank 104 hours
16 gb Nile Battey 100 hours
17 no Olav-andre Myklebust 98 hours
18 au R Hullet 97 hours
19 es El Diablo 96 hours
20 es DOCTOR ZOIDBERG 96 hours
21 ca Tim Walsh 95 hours
22 nl Max Brouweres 95 hours
23 it Alessandro Donetti 93 hours
24 pl Tomasz Syrek 91 hours
25 fi Matti Pajari 90 hours
26 ro Dan Almasan 90 hours
27 pl Michal Kaminski 89 hours
28 at Miche Veloass.de 89 hours
29 pl Marcin Mamzer 89 hours
30 de Michael Weber 89 hours
31 de Luc P. 89 hours
32 cz Martin Simek 88 hours
33 jp BF 2025 87 hours
34 th P. Pattapaiboon 87 hours
35 de Ro Kop 86 hours
36 fr Olivier OPZ 86 hours
37 ch Jan Murr 86 hours
38 hr B.K. 3107 85 hours
39 fr Jan Ot 84 hours
40 us Deacon Mike 83 hours
41 mx Ramces Baniares 83 hours
42 pl Daniel Juliusz 83 hours
43 de Robert Poschlod 82 hours
44 si Klemen Omejc 81 hours
45 pt Sergio Martins 81 hours
46 cn Yinghao Song 80 hours
47 pl Janusz Sikora 80 hours
48 at Markus Dolensky 80 hours
49 Boon Ooi 79 hours
50 pl Dawid Nytko 79 hours
51 pl Michal Michalak 78 hours
52 pl Patryk Velobird.pl 77 hours
53 ru Aleksei Tanaev 77 hours
54 hk Gordon Chan 77 hours
55 nl John Rijpkema 77 hours
56 jp MASAKI HIDEKAZU 76 hours
57 gb-wls Robert Edwards 76 hours
58 fi Tatu Koistinen 76 hours
59 jp Nan Kazuhiro 75 hours
60 kr Kiseok Lee 75 hours
61 jp Sinnya Saitou 75 hours
62 be Marius Cubat 75 hours
63 kr Lucky Door 74 hours
64 it COR CA 74 hours
65 it Paolo Facci 74 hours
66 gb-nir Rocket Roy Nield 74 hours
67 ie Eoin Jackson 74 hours
68 ae Radek Poeckh 73 hours
69 jp Kento Okubo 73 hours
70 de Thomas Aulinger 73 hours
71 de Paul Loth 73 hours
72 tr Murat KOZAN 73 hours
73 fr Robin Landot 72 hours
74 gb-sct Andy Bruce Vanelli-PrjGo 72 hours
75 pl Andrzej Głuch 72 hours
76 it Fabrizio P. 72 hours
77 pl Tom Ek 72 hours
78 jp Akihiro Uchino 71 hours
79 ae Marcel Skulec 71 hours
80 pl Piotr Seemann 71 hours
81 be Lionel Vujasin 71 hours
82 dk Klaus Hansemann 71 hours
83 ae Glynn Kneale 71 hours
84 ca Arvin Moazami Godarzi 71 hours
85 ae Jose Rodriguez 71 hours
86 us Ellie Bellie 70 hours
87 de Matt Larisch 69 hours
88 it Stefano Bonacini 69 hours
89 bg Ivaylo Atanasov 69 hours
90 us Alex Zeller 69 hours
91 gb-nir Johnny Evans 69 hours
92 jp K Takahashi 69 hours
93 kr Kim Taejoon 69 hours
94 de Chrisi Bauer 68 hours
95 kr Halla Vivaldi 68 hours
96 ch Jerome Buholzer 68 hours
97 pl Mariusz Bruzdzinski 68 hours
98 pl Antoni Jagodzinski 68 hours
99 ru Sergey Danilov 68 hours
100 us Zach Nehr 68 hours
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