Al Faqir Hills

Distance: 3.1km

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 31

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
fr Sébastien Havot 2025/01/19 14:00 05:01.393 413w 183bpm
be Ruben Dhondt 2025/02/02 14:00 05:01.561 431w 174bpm
br Josiel Ricardo Betti 2025/02/02 14:00 05:02.898 431w 163bpm
be Mathias Vanhee 2025/01/19 14:00 05:04.086 386w 180bpm
be Olivier Symoens 2025/01/19 14:00 05:04.173 414w 166bpm
dk Mads Buster 2025/01/19 14:00 05:04.896 378w 184bpm
us Zach Nehr 2025/01/19 14:00 05:05.349 403w 163bpm
se Tord Alenljung 2025/01/19 14:00 05:05.450 395w 168bpm
de christoph thiem 2025/01/19 14:00 05:06.353 369w 169bpm
de Simon Walter 2025/01/19 14:00 05:06.749 388w 175bpm
se Jonas Bjaerehed 2025/01/19 14:00 05:06.954 365w 163bpm
co carlos ospina 2025/01/19 14:00 05:07.514 402w 175bpm
se Jakob Björklund 2025/02/02 14:00 05:07.540 364w 176bpm
pl Marcin Wozniak 2025/01/19 14:00 05:07.762 351w 182bpm
us Iker Mourelle 2025/02/02 14:00 05:08.156 408w 171bpm
de Marc Santo 2025/01/19 14:00 05:08.322 427w 167bpm
ae SS . 2025/02/02 14:00 05:08.573 412w 157bpm
fi Tatu Koistinen 2025/02/02 14:00 05:08.746 425w 174bpm
co C.Julián Quintero 2025/02/02 14:00 05:08.821 377w 172bpm
dk Lasse Parnell Hansen 2025/01/19 14:00 05:09.839 400w 167bpm
au Lucas Hoffman 2025/02/02 14:00 05:09.869 400w 170bpm
ae Mr X100 2025/02/02 14:00 05:10.097 417w 154bpm
gb joel lewis 2025/02/02 14:00 05:10.905 414w 178bpm
au Peter Milostić 2025/02/02 14:00 05:15.070 378w 153bpm
nl Frank Thomson 2025/01/19 14:00 05:30.079 370w 166bpm
gb Lewis Ridley 2025/01/19 14:00 05:31.977 360w 173bpm
de David Dähn 2025/02/02 14:00 05:58.946 294w 161bpm
ca Arvin Moazami Godarzi 2025/02/02 14:00 06:00.677 316w 153bpm
ae Hassan sultan 2025/02/02 14:00 06:37.732 261w 152bpm
de Moritz Ritter 2025/01/19 14:00 07:00.106 256w 146bpm
pl Jakub Obitko 2025/02/02 14:00 07:27.832 222w 129bpm
( Items: 1 - 31 from 31 )
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