Al Faqir Hills

Distance: 3.1km

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 57

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
nz ollie jones 2025/01/19 14:00 04:46.356 511w 175bpm
no Vidar Mehl 2025/01/19 14:00 04:46.423 465w 166bpm
pl Michał Kamiński 2025/01/19 14:00 04:46.891 457w 176bpm
de Jason Osborne 2025/01/19 14:00 04:47.503 477w 169bpm
dk michael knudsen 2025/01/19 14:00 04:47.863 410w 181bpm
dk Bjørn Andreassen 2025/01/19 14:00 04:48.447 449w 170bpm
se Johan Norén 2025/01/19 14:00 04:48.570 440w 155bpm
be Lionel Vujasin 2025/01/19 14:00 04:48.571 486w 171bpm
ir Saeid Safarzadeh 2025/01/19 14:00 04:48.602 455w 161bpm
be Lennert Teugels 2025/01/19 14:00 04:48.828 438w 170bpm
cz Daniel Turek 2025/01/19 14:00 04:48.938 448w 159bpm
us hayden pucker 2025/01/19 14:00 04:48.943 527w 169bpm
be kjell power 2025/01/19 14:00 04:49.217 363w 180bpm
be Stefan Van Aelst 2025/01/19 14:00 04:49.273 465w 174bpm
pl Krzysztof Król 2025/01/19 14:00 04:49.489 417w 179bpm
au Lindon Milostic 2025/01/19 14:00 04:49.640 395w 189bpm
nl Arne Jacobs 2025/01/19 14:00 04:49.846 432w 178bpm
it Riccardo Panizza 2025/01/19 14:00 04:50.025 401w 170bpm
nz Michael Vink 2025/02/02 14:00 05:01.555 452w 158bpm
ca thomas thrall 2025/01/19 14:00 05:10.356 432w 173bpm
ca bruce bird 2025/01/19 14:00 05:14.740 441w 149bpm
se Mika Söderström 2025/02/02 12:00 05:16.330 370w 175bpm
br Gabriela Guerra 2025/02/02 12:00 05:16.837 313w 174bpm
us David Talbott 2025/02/02 14:00 05:20.447 330w 175bpm
nz Mary Kate McCarthy 2025/02/02 12:00 05:20.762 340w 155bpm
ch Kathrin Fuhrer 2025/02/02 12:00 05:21.354 328w 167bpm
se Marlene Bjärehed 2025/02/02 12:00 05:22.660 270w 179bpm
it Francesca Tommasi 2025/02/02 12:00 05:23.068 263w 170bpm
de emilia welte 2025/02/02 12:00 05:23.188 335w 181bpm
ca Tiffany Penner 2025/02/02 12:00 05:23.339 307w 181bpm
de Merle Brunnee 2025/02/02 12:00 05:23.531 294w 173bpm
it Roberta Bussone 2025/02/02 12:00 05:23.719 260w 169bpm
se Nellie Larsson 2025/02/02 12:00 05:23.807 286w 158bpm
se Lisa Hermansson 2025/02/02 12:00 05:23.873 302w 163bpm
co Jessenia Meneses 2025/02/02 12:00 05:23.886 257w 160bpm
se Cornelia Engström 2025/02/02 12:00 05:24.022 255w 170bpm
se Camilla Ahlberg 2025/02/02 12:00 05:24.114 276w 162bpm
be Amelia Van Hove 2025/02/02 12:00 05:24.238 305w 161bpm
fr Mickael Plantureux 2025/01/19 14:00 05:25.537 348w 176bpm
gb Maria Holdcroft 2025/01/19 12:00 05:27.823 300w 170bpm
it Selene Colombi 2025/01/19 12:00 05:29.519 324w 156bpm
us Kristen Kulchinsky 2025/01/19 12:00 05:30.006 257w 178bpm
us Stefanie Sydlik 2025/01/19 12:00 05:30.441 278w 162bpm
us Elyse Gallegos 2025/01/19 12:00 05:32.640 314w 174bpm
de Martin Maertens 2025/01/19 14:00 05:33.758 340w 165bpm
it Sophie Giovane 2025/02/02 12:00 05:34.687 242w 168bpm
au Joshua Harris 2025/01/19 14:00 05:36.338 339w 162bpm
no Njal Pedersen 2025/02/02 14:00 05:40.369 347w 170bpm
ie Stuart Millar 2025/02/02 14:00 05:48.711 306w 181bpm
se Gabriella Nordin 2025/02/02 12:00 05:55.947 224w 165bpm
za Kelsey jade Van schoor 2025/02/02 12:00 05:56.025 221w 182bpm
ae Roos Duijn 2025/01/19 12:00 06:09.846 283w 181bpm
nz Paul Wright 2025/01/19 14:00 06:12.064 294w 173bpm
be Ruben Dhondt 2025/01/19 14:00 06:17.253 298w 153bpm
be Jasper Paridaens 2025/01/19 14:00 06:20.631 297w 168bpm
de Brigitte Filensky 2025/01/19 12:00 06:39.087 219w 166bpm
us Zach Nehr 2025/02/02 14:00 06:44.178 268w 146bpm
( Items: 1 - 57 from 57 )
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