Burke Park Sprint

Distance: 300m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 17

Rider Date expand_less Duration unfold_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
fr Arnaud Courteille 2025/01/22 20:30 00:41.427 132w 146bpm
se Erik Rindborg 2025/01/22 20:30 00:26.749 329w 162bpm
pl Sebastian Cieniecki 2025/01/22 20:30 00:32.040 212w 162bpm
it Robert Tamascelli 2025/01/22 20:30 00:29.842 228w 0bpm
dk Føbs During 2025/01/22 20:30 00:30.714 238w 162bpm
be Guy Marien 2025/01/22 20:30 00:26.212 357w 0bpm
ae Yann DUVAL 2025/01/22 20:30 00:34.216 185w 0bpm
ca Henrique Martins 2025/01/22 20:30 00:27.247 283w 178bpm
se Fredrik Strid 2025/01/22 20:30 00:26.292 531w 0bpm
si Klemen Omejc 2025/01/22 20:30 00:29.538 264w 0bpm
it Giovanni Bacchini 2025/01/22 20:30 00:31.819 222w 125bpm
it Luigi Deu 2025/01/22 20:30 00:22.980 608w 0bpm
pt Diogo Pereira 2025/01/22 20:30 00:26.826 317w 0bpm
ru Andrei Alexandrov 2025/01/22 20:30 00:31.028 203w 144bpm
it Simone Abate 2025/01/22 20:30 00:40.008 119w 0bpm
se Alfred Larsson 2025/01/22 20:30 00:29.319 266w 156bpm
it Adrian Suteu 2025/01/22 20:30 00:28.362 320w 170bpm
( Items: 1 - 17 from 17 )
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