Sydney Sprint

Distance: 300m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 44

Rider Date unfold_more Duration unfold_more Power expand_less HR unfold_more
se Erik Rindborg 2025/01/22 20:30 00:24.019 621w 148bpm
it Luigi Deu 2025/01/22 20:30 00:27.761 541w 0bpm
se Fredrik Strid 2025/01/22 20:30 00:26.883 527w 0bpm
pt Diogo Pereira 2025/01/22 20:30 00:24.498 524w 0bpm
ca Henrique Martins 2025/01/22 20:30 00:25.172 511w 174bpm
se Fred Fredriksson 2025/03/12 20:30 00:26.489 487w 0bpm
si Klemen Omejc 2025/01/22 20:30 00:28.130 478w 0bpm
it Robert Tamascelli 2025/01/22 20:30 00:28.784 381w 0bpm
es F MS 2025/03/12 20:30 00:27.772 376w 165bpm
se Alfred Larsson 2025/01/22 20:30 00:29.246 364w 144bpm
au JBTS TT legend 2025/03/12 20:30 00:28.894 362w 0bpm
be Guy Marien 2025/01/22 20:30 00:29.306 358w 0bpm
it Enrico Pella 2025/03/12 20:30 00:27.709 347w 148bpm
cz Hasici Kremze 2025/03/12 20:30 00:29.751 334w 0bpm
es Markel Sierra 2025/02/22 20:30 00:29.242 321w 0bpm
it tonytritolo tony 2025/03/12 20:30 00:29.959 302w 103bpm
be Favay Marc 2025/03/12 20:30 00:30.808 301w 147bpm
ru Andrei Alexandrov 2025/01/22 20:30 00:29.627 282w 98bpm
pt Claudio Barbosa 2025/02/22 20:30 00:30.853 280w 0bpm
it Adrian Suteu 2025/01/22 20:30 00:33.511 265w 155bpm
es Raul GoDel 2025/03/12 20:30 00:30.870 265w 113bpm
it Leonardo dipa 2025/02/22 20:30 00:31.243 251w 129bpm
be Eric Milon 2025/02/22 20:30 00:32.000 244w 152bpm
be Alex Kafidov 2025/02/22 20:30 00:30.968 239w 171bpm
fr Arnaud Courteille 2025/01/22 20:30 00:39.324 237w 166bpm
ae Corvus Photophore 2025/03/12 20:30 00:36.112 221w 0bpm
se Idun Strid 2025/02/22 20:30 00:32.024 216w 0bpm
it Simone Abate 2025/01/22 20:30 00:38.943 214w 0bpm
de Lena W. 2025/03/12 20:30 00:28.540 212w 0bpm
dk Føbs During 2025/01/22 20:30 00:34.551 210w 145bpm
fr Anthony S 2025/02/22 20:30 00:31.267 206w 188bpm
pl Sebastian Cieniecki 2025/01/22 20:30 00:39.034 200w 140bpm
fr gui per 2025/03/12 20:30 00:40.419 176w 0bpm
ae Yann Duval 2025/01/22 20:30 00:42.447 174w 0bpm
it Giovanni Bacchini 2025/01/22 20:30 00:40.128 170w 113bpm
it Giuseppe Catania 2025/03/12 20:30 00:37.006 164w 0bpm
fr GERARD NOURY 2025/02/22 20:30 00:41.539 144w 153bpm
ae alex sanchez 2025/03/12 20:30 00:38.909 139w 0bpm
ch teo rudaz 2025/03/12 20:30 00:36.630 136w 0bpm
za Tommy Rademeyer 2025/03/12 20:30 00:46.744 133w 0bpm
za Suzette Rademeyer 2025/03/12 20:30 00:46.935 133w 158bpm
mk Igor Achkov 2025/02/22 20:30 00:46.699 129w 0bpm
it Marco Lunardi 2025/03/12 20:30 00:48.668 94w 177bpm
se Loke Strid 2025/03/12 20:30 02:03.824 26w 0bpm
( Items: 1 - 44 from 44 )
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