Canyon Oasis Climb

Distance: 1.6km

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 21

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
gb-wls Ryan Dummer 2024/11/17 14:10 03:46.142 379w 177bpm
au Nick Squillari 2024/04/28 13:40 03:47.223 400w 169bpm
nz Simon Acker 2024/04/28 13:40 03:53.717 375w 185bpm
se Erik Rindborg 2024/04/28 13:40 03:54.341 374w 173bpm
au Luke Allport 2024/11/17 14:10 03:57.739 357w 152bpm
nz Jack Staples 2024/04/28 13:40 03:57.782 364w 168bpm
us Taylor Gonsoulin 2024/08/18 13:40 04:02.958 358w 159bpm
za Eben Swart 2024/08/18 13:40 04:03.758 340w 154bpm
nl Tom Gakes 2024/03/17 20:40 04:04.598 358w 156bpm
gb Nikul Kansara 2024/03/17 20:40 04:09.414 338w 172bpm
cl Daniel Cadiz 2024/08/18 13:40 04:09.491 352w 162bpm
cv Ivan Monteiro da Luz 2024/08/18 13:40 04:11.708 349w 160bpm
au Andrew Neville-Ross 2024/07/14 13:40 04:12.750 341w 165bpm
gb Lewis Ridley 2024/07/14 13:40 04:13.179 332w 182bpm
nz Wayne Smythe 2024/08/18 13:40 04:30.089 317w 166bpm
au Ben Kirk 2024/04/28 13:40 04:31.882 325w 153bpm
nz alex west 2024/11/17 14:10 04:36.750 309w 158bpm
za Henry Uys 2024/08/18 13:40 04:40.213 294w 176bpm
co Daniel Valencia 2024/07/14 13:40 04:54.312 316w 159bpm
nz James Mountier 2024/03/17 20:40 04:55.938 310w 160bpm
nz Justin Roy 2024/03/17 20:40 07:05.937 199w 108bpm
( Items: 1 - 21 from 21 )
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