Heritage Climb

Distance: 5.8km

Elevation: 333m, 5.7%


Rider count: 577

Rider Date unfold_more Duration unfold_more Power expand_less HR unfold_more
us hayden pucker 2024/07/14 13:40 12:53.753 528w 174bpm
af Shaiba San 2024/11/11 12:45 10:11.841 500w 0bpm
br Seif CatTwo 2024/11/11 12:45 10:11.816 500w 0bpm
ae Rider 20 2024/11/11 12:45 10:11.788 500w 0bpm
ae Uci Test30 2024/11/11 12:45 10:11.764 500w 0bpm
nz Michael Vink 2024/11/17 14:10 12:17.932 492w 173bpm
nz ollie jones 2024/08/18 13:40 12:31.318 475w 167bpm
au Andrew Downie 2024/08/18 13:40 14:19.676 475w 166bpm
de Jason Osborne 2023/07/23 13:40 11:28.000 463w 174bpm
se Johan Norén 2023/07/23 13:40 11:43.029 454w 164bpm
be Lionel Vujasin 2023/08/20 13:40 11:44.107 450w 180bpm
ae Mr X100 2023/07/23 13:40 12:30.242 448w 159bpm
be Stefan Van Aelst 2024/03/17 20:40 12:36.723 446w 176bpm
gb philip graves 2024/03/17 20:40 14:21.737 442w 165bpm
br Pablo Popovitch 2023/08/20 13:40 11:25.942 439w 164bpm
dk michael knudsen 2023/07/23 13:40 11:42.968 436w 189bpm
pl Michał Kamiński 2023/08/20 13:40 12:02.738 432w 176bpm
nl Pim van Diemen 2023/07/23 13:40 11:44.724 431w 158bpm
ca bruce bird 2024/11/17 14:10 14:51.111 429w 152bpm
de Niklas von Haaren 2023/07/23 13:40 13:37.749 429w 177bpm
be Siebe Deweirdt 2024/08/18 13:40 13:05.960 429w 189bpm
ir Saeid Safarzadeh 2023/08/20 13:40 11:35.415 428w 165bpm
pl Marcin Trojanowski 2024/03/17 20:40 14:23.652 426w 169bpm
nz James Harvey 2024/07/14 13:40 15:14.328 424w 183bpm
nl Arne Jacobs 2024/07/14 13:40 12:55.763 422w 172bpm
au Tim Cutler 2023/07/23 13:40 12:24.150 421w 169bpm
it Paolo Cusumano 2023/07/23 13:40 13:31.685 418w 166bpm
us Scott Catanzaro 2023/12/03 13:40 15:32.562 414w 169bpm
ae SS . 2024/02/04 13:40 13:43.934 413w 143bpm
be Bart Van Den Eeckhaut 2023/07/23 13:40 12:23.416 410w 171bpm
de christoph thiem 2024/04/28 13:40 13:54.257 408w 170bpm
be Wouter Claes 2024/03/17 20:40 14:59.638 407w 169bpm
pl Maciek Mendakiewicz 2024/08/18 13:40 14:17.354 405w 174bpm
pl Dawid Nytko 2024/02/04 13:40 14:40.492 404w 163bpm
se Johan Arrhen 2023/08/20 13:40 15:35.003 400w 182bpm
no Vidar Mehl 2023/07/23 13:40 12:56.593 400w 170bpm
be Ruben Dhondt 2024/03/17 20:40 14:35.934 399w 176bpm
us Zach Nehr 2023/08/20 13:40 12:38.291 398w 171bpm
fi Tatu Koistinen 2024/08/18 13:40 14:16.769 396w 168bpm
nz Alex Heaney 2024/08/18 13:40 14:16.937 395w 168bpm
pl Paweł Kalita 2024/03/17 20:40 15:26.905 395w 170bpm
pl Krzysztof Król 2024/03/17 20:40 13:24.024 394w 176bpm
nz James Krzanich 2023/07/23 13:40 14:15.369 391w 180bpm
nl Jody Jochems 2024/02/04 13:40 14:11.751 391w 177bpm
dk Bjørn Andreassen 2024/02/04 13:40 13:45.062 391w 179bpm
dk Aleksej Calmann 2024/08/18 13:40 15:18.392 391w 166bpm
fr Geoffrey Millour 2024/08/18 13:40 15:09.501 390w 166bpm
it Riccardo Panizza 2024/02/04 13:40 13:16.740 389w 178bpm
de Che Hohwieler 2023/08/20 13:40 13:20.773 389w 167bpm
au Sam Hill 2023/12/03 13:40 15:51.197 388w 156bpm
de Moritz Ritter 2024/03/17 20:40 14:20.166 387w 179bpm
fr Nicolas Hamon 2024/08/18 13:40 14:36.264 385w 165bpm
co carlos ospina 2024/02/04 13:40 14:40.732 384w 173bpm
be Morgane Olsson 2023/07/23 11:45 09:57.331 381w 172bpm
it Daniele Ratto 2023/12/03 13:40 15:11.799 381w 172bpm
au Cam Winfield 2024/08/18 13:40 14:16.498 381w 178bpm
it edoardo parisi 2023/08/20 13:40 15:55.844 378w 169bpm
nl Frank Thomson 2024/02/04 13:40 14:55.441 377w 167bpm
au Nick Squillari 2024/11/17 14:10 15:50.558 376w 170bpm
se Ola Warren 2024/07/14 13:40 17:27.520 376w 160bpm
au Peter Milostić 2024/04/28 13:40 14:38.006 375w 155bpm
de Martin Maertens 2023/07/23 13:40 12:24.383 375w 171bpm
au Nicholas Spratt 2023/08/20 13:40 13:40.096 375w 173bpm
be Mathias Vanhee 2024/02/04 13:40 14:38.041 373w 185bpm
ee Ivo Suur 2024/08/18 13:40 15:46.833 372w 168bpm
nz Mark Dadson 2023/08/20 13:40 16:21.885 372w 175bpm
br Igor Brustolin 2024/07/14 13:40 17:23.300 371w 185bpm
fi kasper borremans 2024/11/17 14:10 14:23.208 370w 177bpm
us Ian McCarrell 2024/03/17 20:40 15:48.270 370w 172bpm
au Joshua Harris 2024/08/18 13:40 14:09.736 370w 159bpm
nz James Mountier 2023/12/03 13:40 16:41.170 369w 166bpm
nz Jack Staples 2024/04/28 13:40 16:15.836 368w 176bpm
be Olivier Symoens 2023/07/23 13:40 13:38.691 368w 170bpm
se Tord Alenljung 2024/04/28 13:40 14:42.817 367w 171bpm
us David Talbott 2024/02/04 13:40 12:58.386 367w 179bpm
br Josiel Ricardo Betti 2024/02/04 13:40 14:41.221 366w 163bpm
se Jakob Björklund 2024/02/04 13:40 13:44.141 366w 179bpm
co William Hoyos Jaramillo 2023/08/20 13:40 15:36.840 366w 150bpm
cz Jakub Vojacek 2024/11/17 14:10 16:17.738 365w 164bpm
cl Daniel Cadiz 2024/02/04 13:40 16:18.083 364w 158bpm
za Henry Uys 2023/07/23 13:40 13:54.657 364w 179bpm
de Karsten Meier 2023/12/03 13:40 14:54.079 364w 171bpm
si Peter Volk 2023/08/20 13:40 14:44.825 363w 166bpm
gb-wls Ryan Dummer 2024/11/17 14:10 15:59.928 362w 183bpm
de Marc Santo 2024/11/17 14:10 15:41.900 362w 164bpm
us Benjamin Meer 2023/08/20 13:40 13:19.738 361w 161bpm
de Torsten Holz 2024/04/28 13:40 17:41.260 361w 162bpm
de Simon Walter 2023/08/20 13:40 13:19.373 359w 169bpm
fr Mickael Plantureux 2024/08/18 13:40 13:05.508 358w 186bpm
fr Sébastien Havot 2024/11/17 14:10 15:23.949 358w 172bpm
co Daniel Valencia 2024/04/28 13:40 17:42.470 357w 174bpm
au Marc Gates 2023/12/03 13:40 16:31.748 357w 168bpm
it fabiano orengo 2023/07/23 13:40 14:44.368 356w 160bpm
nz alex west 2024/08/18 13:40 17:29.870 356w 172bpm
de David Dähn 2024/11/17 14:10 14:51.910 356w 171bpm
au Josh Wilson 2024/08/18 13:40 14:43.262 355w 171bpm
co C.Julián Quintero 2024/02/04 13:40 14:41.712 355w 177bpm
au Lindon Milostic 2024/08/18 13:40 13:55.895 354w 187bpm
gb-sct David Goodall 2024/07/14 13:40 15:15.385 354w 172bpm
es caroupe quevedo 2023/07/23 11:45 09:58.290 354w 178bpm
( Items: 1 - 100 from 577 )
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