Eikenberg Climb

Distance: 1.6km

Elevation: 77m, 4.8%


Rider count: 20

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
pl Maciek Mendakiewicz 2024/12/22 13:40 03:09.352 474w 171bpm
gb philip graves 2024/06/02 13:40 03:11.003 488w 173bpm
pl Pawel Scierski 2024/12/22 13:40 03:11.795 485w 174bpm
pl Dawid Nytko 2024/12/22 13:40 03:11.875 463w 164bpm
gb Ross Fawcett 2024/12/22 13:40 03:12.056 454w 165bpm
nz James Krzanich 2024/12/22 13:40 03:12.096 467w 169bpm
au Marc Gates 2024/04/21 13:40 03:12.297 461w 167bpm
ca Samuel Josh 2024/12/22 13:40 03:13.774 458w 176bpm
nz James Harvey 2024/07/07 13:40 03:17.493 467w 188bpm
pl Marcin Trojanowski 2024/07/07 13:40 03:17.550 469w 167bpm
pl Paweł Kalita 2024/03/10 13:40 03:27.659 433w 177bpm
co carlos ospina 2024/07/07 13:40 03:30.305 411w 180bpm
nz Zakk Patterson 2024/09/08 13:40 03:36.097 409w 179bpm
cz Jakub Vojacek 2024/12/22 13:40 03:47.133 371w 168bpm
us Ian McCarrell 2024/09/08 13:40 03:51.122 382w 165bpm
de Niklas von Haaren 2024/07/07 13:40 03:52.988 387w 170bpm
se Erik Rindborg 2024/10/20 13:40 03:54.157 360w 167bpm
be Wouter Claes 2024/10/20 13:40 03:54.979 367w 170bpm
nz Alex Heaney 2024/07/07 13:40 04:09.439 337w 164bpm
ee Ivo Suur 2024/04/21 13:40 04:35.945 307w 158bpm
( Items: 1 - 20 from 20 )
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