Eikenberg Hill

Distance: 1.4km

Elevation: 56m, 4%


Rider count: 19

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
nz Georgina Hyde 2024/11/10 11:45 03:43.941 260w 180bpm
gb Katie Baggott 2024/06/02 11:45 03:58.433 250w 183bpm
nz Hannah Goodall 2024/12/15 11:45 03:59.847 222w 176bpm
br Sandra Aparecida Ferron 2024/12/15 11:45 04:01.319 218w 184bpm
au bridget bremner 2024/04/28 11:45 04:05.753 219w 171bpm
co Milena Alvarez 2024/04/28 11:45 04:05.943 215w 169bpm
nz Rachael Kennedy 2024/07/14 11:45 04:18.644 201w 160bpm
co Andrea Ramirez 2023/09/17 11:45 04:19.197 216w 145bpm
au Amy Thompson 2024/11/10 11:45 04:20.269 204w 176bpm
nz Petra Aitken 2024/09/08 11:45 04:20.986 207w 155bpm
se Elin Bogren 2024/04/28 11:45 04:24.505 208w 178bpm
gb Nicola Lloyd 2024/01/07 11:45 04:29.441 203w 174bpm
au Emma Sonerson 2023/12/10 11:45 04:31.678 193w 153bpm
ph Carla Leonor 2024/02/11 11:45 04:34.343 197w 161bpm
ca Dominique Charlebois 2024/12/15 11:45 05:39.852 156w 179bpm
co Isabel Giraldo M 2023/09/17 11:45 06:00.275 130w 172bpm
br Marceli Milani 2024/02/11 11:45 06:03.822 143w 168bpm
ae Salama Al Kaabi 2023/09/17 11:45 06:27.617 134w 141bpm
br Poliana Shirlei Querobin de Gos 2023/11/19 11:45 06:48.281 135w 170bpm
( Items: 1 - 19 from 19 )
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