Kortekeer Climb

Distance: 3.9km

Elevation: 94m, 2.4%


Rider count: 20

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
nz Georgina Hyde 2024/11/10 11:45 09:36.145 233w 173bpm
gb Katie Baggott 2024/09/08 11:45 09:38.861 236w 185bpm
nz Hannah Goodall 2024/12/15 11:45 09:51.783 215w 177bpm
br Sandra Aparecida Ferron 2024/12/15 11:45 09:53.639 210w 183bpm
co Milena Alvarez 2024/04/28 11:45 09:59.689 216w 168bpm
au bridget bremner 2024/04/28 11:45 10:00.094 220w 169bpm
se Elin Bogren 2024/04/28 11:45 10:04.693 221w 187bpm
nz Rachael Kennedy 2024/07/14 11:45 10:10.011 207w 152bpm
nz Petra Aitken 2024/09/08 11:45 10:17.368 219w 161bpm
ca Dominique Charlebois 2024/12/15 11:45 10:17.585 224w 188bpm
au Amy Thompson 2024/11/10 11:45 10:34.154 199w 173bpm
gb Nicola Lloyd 2024/03/24 21:45 10:51.003 201w 175bpm
co Andrea Ramirez 2023/09/17 11:45 11:08.577 194w 131bpm
au Emma Sonerson 2023/12/10 11:45 11:51.475 182w 151bpm
ph Carla Leonor 2024/02/11 11:45 12:10.789 188w 158bpm
br Marceli Milani 2024/02/11 11:45 13:53.779 153w 165bpm
ae Salama Al Kaabi 2023/09/17 11:45 14:55.903 147w 150bpm
co Isabel Giraldo M 2023/09/17 11:45 15:34.680 126w 165bpm
br Poliana Shirlei Querobin de Gos 2024/02/11 11:45 15:42.022 127w 164bpm
ie Berdien Driscoll 2024/11/10 11:45 16:21.411 121w 166bpm
( Items: 1 - 20 from 20 )
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