Siamese Rock Sprint

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 14

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
tr Berk Kayin 2025/02/02 14:00 00:12.930 790w 172bpm
se Jennifer Gothilander 2025/02/02 12:00 00:16.387 452w 179bpm
ir mandana dehghan manshadi 2025/02/02 12:00 00:17.393 373w 152bpm
tr Kaan Kayin 2025/02/02 14:00 00:17.838 196w 162bpm
se Sara Lundin 2025/02/02 12:00 00:18.047 264w 151bpm
co Alejandra Jaramillo 2025/02/02 12:00 00:18.088 285w 149bpm
gb Katerina Karamani 2025/02/02 12:00 00:18.385 299w 149bpm
de Pia Kummer 2025/02/02 12:00 00:18.433 284w 147bpm
si Tjasa Susnik 2025/02/02 12:00 00:18.452 204w 165bpm
ph Jermyn Prado 2025/02/02 12:00 00:18.776 220w 159bpm
au Katie Banerjee 2025/02/02 12:00 00:19.509 224w 167bpm
gb Helen McKay 2025/02/02 12:00 00:20.539 170w 152bpm
au Hannah Gianatti 2025/02/02 12:00 00:20.749 137w 166bpm
lt Ursulia Kesani 2025/02/02 12:00 00:20.902 126w 145bpm
( Items: 1 - 14 from 14 )
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