New Town Sprint

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 26

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
be Olivier Symoens 2025/02/02 14:00 00:12.410 984w 159bpm
co carlos ospina 2025/02/02 14:00 00:12.577 1153w 189bpm
se Jakob Björklund 2025/02/02 14:00 00:12.630 1027w 173bpm
au Lucas Hoffman 2025/02/02 14:00 00:12.744 925w 165bpm
de Moritz Ritter 2025/02/02 14:00 00:13.000 977w 181bpm
us Iker Mourelle 2025/02/02 14:00 00:13.030 966w 158bpm
pl Marcin Wozniak 2025/02/02 14:00 00:13.262 993w 179bpm
be Mathias Vanhee 2025/02/02 14:00 00:15.731 408w 173bpm
gb joel lewis 2025/02/02 14:00 00:15.909 371w 162bpm
dk Mads Buster 2025/02/02 14:00 00:15.915 455w 179bpm
se Jonas Bjaerehed 2025/02/02 14:00 00:15.970 385w 145bpm
ae Hassan sultan 2025/02/02 14:00 00:16.037 639w 152bpm
ae Mr X100 2025/02/02 14:00 00:16.319 489w 161bpm
de David Dähn 2025/02/02 14:00 00:16.386 472w 157bpm
fi Tatu Koistinen 2025/02/02 14:00 00:16.429 408w 144bpm
be Ruben Dhondt 2025/02/02 14:00 00:16.440 413w 170bpm
de christoph thiem 2025/02/02 14:00 00:16.573 465w 165bpm
de Simon Walter 2025/02/02 14:00 00:16.577 383w 163bpm
fr Sébastien Havot 2025/02/02 14:00 00:16.628 380w 163bpm
ae SS . 2025/02/02 14:00 00:16.728 321w 150bpm
ae SS . 2024/07/21 13:40 00:16.728 304w 148bpm
co C.Julián Quintero 2025/02/02 14:00 00:16.763 373w 151bpm
ca Arvin Moazami Godarzi 2025/02/02 14:00 00:16.834 363w 150bpm
au Peter Milostić 2025/02/02 14:00 00:17.115 360w 138bpm
br Josiel Ricardo Betti 2025/02/02 14:00 00:17.613 345w 142bpm
fi Minna Koistinen 2025/02/02 12:00 00:18.463 325w 143bpm
pl Jakub Obitko 2024/01/28 13:40 00:20.570 169w 136bpm
pl Jakub Obitko 2025/02/02 14:00 00:20.570 205w 128bpm
( Items: 1 - 28 from 28 )
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