Wax Palms Sprint

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 13

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
nl Larissa Heijboer 2025/02/09 12:00 00:14.356 575w 178bpm
it Valentina Disegna 2025/02/09 12:00 00:15.447 621w 165bpm
de Sarah Karollus 2025/02/09 12:00 00:15.482 450w 185bpm
au Gina Ricardo 2025/02/09 12:00 00:15.747 338w 188bpm
nl Leonie Dijkstra 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.342 419w 174bpm
gb Rhian Denton 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.434 384w 181bpm
pl Barbara Bulawa 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.877 295w 168bpm
nz Bridget Kiddle 2025/02/09 12:00 00:17.218 382w 160bpm
co Carolina Alzate 2025/02/09 12:00 00:18.816 224w 164bpm
gb Mim Taylor 2025/02/09 12:00 00:18.878 209w 158bpm
ie Aine Kinsella 2025/02/09 12:00 00:21.710 150w 113bpm
au Phillipa Hill 2025/02/09 12:00 00:22.968 157w 134bpm
it Elvira Wilhelm 2025/02/09 12:00 00:26.660 90w 139bpm
( Items: 1 - 13 from 13 )
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