Spring Road Climb

Distance: 6.8km

Elevation: 276m, 4.1%


Rider count: 21

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
se Johanna Tidholm 2024/10/13 11:45 15:00.163 327w 166bpm
cn Hao Zhang 2024/09/15 11:45 16:12.206 279w 168bpm
nl Femke van de Vliet 2024/12/01 12:00 17:23.240 256w 180bpm
nz Melissa Simkin 2024/09/15 11:45 17:24.270 255w 160bpm
gb Kate Macleod 2024/12/01 12:00 18:00.380 246w 180bpm
au Phillipa Hill 2024/09/15 11:45 18:00.460 243w 174bpm
de Kimberly Miller 2024/09/15 11:45 18:22.940 239w 170bpm
nz Claudia Hyde 2024/12/01 12:00 18:24.450 258w 189bpm
au Nina Dowling 2024/10/13 11:45 19:42.290 233w 171bpm
nz Emily Mabin 2024/10/13 11:45 20:31.920 205w 173bpm
gb Katie Baggott 2024/12/01 12:00 21:09.470 209w 180bpm
au bridget bremner 2024/09/15 11:45 21:17.610 200w 168bpm
nz Hannah Goodall 2024/10/13 11:45 21:27.180 197w 181bpm
nz Georgina Hyde 2024/10/13 11:45 21:38.760 208w 180bpm
br Sandra Aparecida Ferron 2024/10/13 11:45 22:30.580 186w 188bpm
nz Laura Wood 2024/10/13 11:45 22:34.720 186w 160bpm
se Mika Söderström 2024/12/01 12:00 22:51.270 193w 131bpm
se Elin Bogren 2024/09/15 11:45 23:09.530 179w 178bpm
ca Dominique Charlebois 2024/12/01 12:00 26:31.560 161w 184bpm
au Amy Thompson 2024/12/01 12:00 28:49.340 140w 171bpm
ph Jasper Nichole Ilustre 2024/09/15 11:45 34:28.090 124w 138bpm
( Items: 1 - 21 from 21 )
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