Spring Road Climb

Distance: 6.8km

Elevation: 276m, 4.1%


Rider count: 50

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
br Josiel Ricardo Betti 2024/06/23 13:40 13:41.143 385w 170bpm
fr Sébastien Havot 2024/12/08 13:40 13:51.679 368w 185bpm
se Jonas Bjaerehed 2024/07/28 13:40 13:52.072 351w 164bpm
ae SS . 2024/12/08 13:40 13:52.174 369w 158bpm
au Peter Milostić 2024/12/08 13:40 13:52.760 363w 158bpm
ae Mr X100 2024/12/08 13:40 13:54.740 389w 151bpm
be Mathias Vanhee 2024/06/23 13:40 13:56.570 357w 186bpm
se Tord Alenljung 2024/12/08 13:40 14:00.655 348w 168bpm
de christoph thiem 2024/10/13 13:40 14:01.945 368w 172bpm
fi Tatu Koistinen 2024/07/28 13:40 14:02.385 367w 173bpm
au Cam Winfield 2024/10/13 13:40 14:29.895 362w 181bpm
co C.Julián Quintero 2024/12/08 13:40 14:33.758 338w 182bpm
de Simon Walter 2024/10/13 13:40 14:40.369 334w 179bpm
de David Dähn 2024/07/28 13:40 14:41.629 314w 169bpm
be Olivier Symoens 2024/07/28 13:40 14:41.964 350w 172bpm
gb-sct David Goodall 2024/07/28 13:40 14:46.585 321w 174bpm
de Che Hohwieler 2024/10/13 13:40 14:51.105 351w 169bpm
es Martin Goikoetxea Conde 2024/06/23 13:40 14:56.759 330w 162bpm
se Henrik Öijer 2024/07/28 13:40 15:04.748 340w 173bpm
br Pablo Popovitch 2024/10/13 13:40 15:07.155 330w 159bpm
pl Adam Starzyński 2024/10/13 13:40 15:09.300 338w 160bpm
us John Bruhn 2024/10/13 13:40 15:20.071 311w 168bpm
pl Jakub Obitko 2024/12/08 13:40 15:21.281 322w 170bpm
de Karsten Meier 2024/06/23 13:40 15:29.467 323w 171bpm
fi Joona Tuikka 2024/10/13 13:40 15:38.548 319w 165bpm
pl Jan Czaplinski 2024/06/23 13:40 15:41.582 313w 157bpm
pl Marcin Wozniak 2024/12/08 13:40 15:52.685 299w 174bpm
co carlos ospina 2024/10/13 13:40 16:06.044 326w 176bpm
dk Martin Qvist Mathiasen 2024/06/23 13:40 16:08.536 299w 173bpm
dk Mads Buster 2024/12/08 13:40 16:11.908 291w 169bpm
us David Kowalski 2024/06/23 13:40 16:15.173 310w 170bpm
pl Mateusz Kalman 2024/07/28 13:40 16:43.950 287w 167bpm
za Henry Uys 2024/06/23 13:40 17:17.580 294w 170bpm
co Marvin Orlando Angarita Reyes 2024/10/13 13:40 17:21.970 299w 167bpm
nl Femke van de Vliet 2024/12/01 12:00 17:23.240 256w 180bpm
co Carlos Alberto Urán Arroyave 2024/07/28 13:40 17:26.770 275w 159bpm
co Jose Rodriguez 2024/07/28 13:40 17:31.430 254w 142bpm
nz Alex Heaney 2024/06/23 13:40 17:43.580 285w 158bpm
de Konrad Fenderich 2024/12/08 13:40 17:48.870 269w 150bpm
gb Kate Macleod 2024/12/01 12:00 18:00.380 246w 180bpm
au Phillipa Hill 2024/09/15 11:45 18:00.460 243w 174bpm
de Kimberly Miller 2024/09/15 11:45 18:22.940 239w 170bpm
co Sergio Hoyos 2024/06/23 13:40 18:37.300 238w 144bpm
co Juan Martin Mesa 2024/12/08 13:40 18:56.130 256w 165bpm
co Jose Oviedo 2024/07/28 13:40 18:57.800 246w 146bpm
co CAOSPI Hernandez 2024/12/08 13:40 20:02.590 246w 132bpm
br Paulo Kirchner 2024/07/28 13:40 20:20.560 216w 140bpm
au Nicholas Spratt 2024/06/23 13:40 20:24.950 233w 137bpm
de Moritz Ritter 2024/12/08 13:40 20:46.660 222w 131bpm
se Jakob Björklund 2024/12/08 13:40 21:29.630 206w 141bpm
( Items: 1 - 50 from 50 )
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