Spring Road Climb

Distance: 6.8km

Elevation: 276m, 4.1%


Rider count: 26

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
fr Mickael Plantureux 2024/06/23 13:40 12:57.339 329w 184bpm
nz Mary Kate McCarthy 2024/12/01 12:00 12:58.356 332w 161bpm
us David Talbott 2024/12/08 13:40 13:29.241 353w 184bpm
be kjell power 2024/12/08 13:40 13:42.408 332w 176bpm
ch Kathrin Fuhrer 2024/12/01 12:00 13:43.878 317w 177bpm
au Lindon Milostic 2024/10/13 13:40 13:50.699 338w 176bpm
it Riccardo Panizza 2024/06/23 13:40 13:51.516 339w 181bpm
it Selene Colombi 2024/09/15 11:45 14:04.455 311w 165bpm
br Gabriela Guerra 2024/10/13 11:45 14:24.551 291w 179bpm
gb Maria Holdcroft 2024/09/15 11:45 14:44.463 304w 176bpm
no Anders Bengtson 2024/07/28 13:40 15:00.297 292w 168bpm
pl Karolina Kołkowicz 2024/10/13 11:45 15:00.634 280w 194bpm
be Amelia Van Hove 2024/12/01 12:00 15:01.954 285w 168bpm
se Lisa Hermansson 2024/10/13 11:45 15:37.218 265w 173bpm
de emilia welte 2024/12/01 12:00 15:38.481 276w 183bpm
ca Tiffany Penner 2024/10/13 11:45 15:41.152 266w 186bpm
tr Kaan Kayin 2024/10/13 13:40 15:44.046 269w 163bpm
de Martin Maertens 2024/06/23 13:40 15:44.651 290w 148bpm
tr Berk Kayin 2024/10/13 13:40 15:55.646 270w 170bpm
fi Jenny Ek 2024/12/01 12:00 16:18.125 256w 183bpm
se Samuel Brännlund 2024/10/13 13:40 16:38.364 284w 173bpm
de Brigitte Filensky 2024/12/01 12:00 16:44.170 235w 176bpm
co Juan Gallo 2024/07/28 13:40 16:53.060 246w 146bpm
pl Joanna Kalman 2024/12/01 12:00 17:06.280 237w 171bpm
pl Monika Wrona 2024/09/15 11:45 18:03.880 238w 178bpm
fi Minna Koistinen 2024/10/13 11:45 24:14.670 162w 136bpm
( Items: 1 - 26 from 26 )
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