Future City Climb

Distance: 1.5km

Elevation: 43m, 2.9%


Rider count: 23

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
se Elin Bogren 2024/09/01 11:45 02:56.073 219w 174bpm
gb Katie Baggott 2024/09/01 11:45 02:56.425 237w 180bpm
br Sandra Aparecida Ferron 2024/09/01 11:45 03:05.293 203w 183bpm
nz Petra Aitken 2024/09/01 11:45 03:13.969 201w 155bpm
au bridget bremner 2024/09/01 11:45 03:14.492 198w 167bpm
co Milena Alvarez 2024/09/01 11:45 03:17.297 188w 167bpm
au Amy Thompson 2024/09/01 11:45 03:34.550 181w 175bpm
de Steffen Preuß 2024/09/01 14:00 03:38.624 339w 173bpm
nz Tim Connole 2024/09/01 14:00 03:40.552 331w 166bpm
ph Mac Manroe Leonador 2024/09/01 14:00 03:56.671 303w 166bpm
nz Jeff Rooney 2024/09/01 14:00 03:58.497 303w 155bpm
co Diego Navarro 2024/09/01 14:00 03:59.446 297w 173bpm
gb James Robinson 2024/09/01 14:00 04:11.901 290w 166bpm
au Jonathon Cridland 2024/09/01 14:00 04:15.083 280w 163bpm
fr florian dromard 2024/09/01 14:00 04:18.685 267w 161bpm
pl Krzysztof Andrzejewski 2024/09/01 14:00 04:34.708 262w 159bpm
ph Joshua Calang Ad 2024/09/01 14:00 04:35.580 236w 154bpm
ae BU Amer 2024/09/01 14:00 04:44.291 249w 167bpm
br Diouzer Somavilla 2024/09/01 14:00 04:54.117 237w 157bpm
dk John Bak 2024/09/01 14:00 04:55.006 226w 174bpm
cz Petr Otruba 2024/09/01 14:00 04:55.529 236w 156bpm
co Jairo Calderon 2024/09/01 14:00 05:03.291 220w 155bpm
tr Mohammad mokhtari 2024/09/01 14:00 06:04.360 190w 157bpm
( Items: 1 - 23 from 23 )
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