Flameforge Abyss Climb

Distance: 3.9km

Elevation: 237m, 6.1%


Rider count: 20

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
dk michael knudsen 2024/09/01 14:00 08:14.899 444w 183bpm
be Lionel Vujasin 2024/09/01 14:00 08:15.473 478w 168bpm
be Stefan Van Aelst 2024/09/01 14:00 08:15.545 471w 170bpm
de Jason Osborne 2024/09/01 14:00 08:15.810 465w 166bpm
nz ollie jones 2024/09/01 14:00 08:15.867 492w 170bpm
pl Michał Kamiński 2024/09/01 14:00 08:16.366 476w 176bpm
pl Krzysztof Król 2024/09/01 14:00 08:17.231 448w 181bpm
be Siebe Deweirdt 2024/09/01 14:00 08:34.316 447w 189bpm
fi kasper borremans 2024/09/01 14:00 08:40.680 428w 182bpm
nl Arne Jacobs 2024/09/01 14:00 08:40.822 434w 179bpm
se Johan Norén 2024/09/01 14:00 08:59.347 435w 156bpm
de Moritz Ritter 2024/09/01 14:00 09:09.445 408w 176bpm
be Jasper Paridaens 2024/09/01 14:00 09:09.620 422w 141bpm
us Zach Nehr 2024/09/01 14:00 09:09.838 418w 167bpm
se Tord Alenljung 2024/09/01 14:00 09:32.417 388w 167bpm
se Jakob Björklund 2024/09/01 14:00 09:32.956 376w 176bpm
co C.Julián Quintero 2024/09/01 14:00 09:33.592 381w 178bpm
au Tim Cutler 2024/09/01 14:00 09:37.584 412w 168bpm
br Josiel Ricardo Betti 2024/09/01 14:00 10:35.540 372w 161bpm
ca Jean-Michel Lachance 2024/09/01 14:00 13:13.180 281w 134bpm
( Items: 1 - 20 from 20 )
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