San Gil Sprint

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 29

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_less Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
es gorka nogales 2025/01/14 21:30 00:22.550 183w 0bpm
es Fran Con 2025/01/13 21:30 00:22.174 189w 0bpm
gb John Morris 2025/01/16 21:30 00:21.073 194w 149bpm
gb Nigel A 2025/01/15 21:30 00:21.033 242w 0bpm
gb phil wilkins 2025/01/16 21:30 00:20.984 237w 0bpm
de Falko Ketter 2025/01/13 11:15 00:20.643 256w 174bpm
es TADEO POGI 2025/01/16 21:30 00:20.643 240w 127bpm
be JoJo L'ASTICOT 2025/01/14 21:30 00:20.608 209w 0bpm
it Fabrizio Saitta 2025/01/14 21:30 00:20.595 222w 131bpm
de Tom Swing 2025/01/13 21:30 00:20.375 203w 0bpm
pl Sebastian Maderski 2025/01/29 20:30 00:19.892 253w 147bpm
es Sixto Moya 2025/01/16 21:30 00:19.674 274w 133bpm
gb Mike Mulligan 2025/01/13 21:30 00:18.956 313w 144bpm
nl Richard Kocks 2025/01/13 21:30 00:18.790 335w 0bpm
pl Daniel Iwaszko 2025/01/15 21:30 00:18.503 348w 170bpm
us Matt Dvorak 2025/01/13 21:30 00:18.185 391w 161bpm
de Christian Zach 2025/01/15 21:30 00:18.183 396w 0bpm
es Bitxen Gualdetxu MBTT 2025/01/13 21:30 00:18.060 343w 120bpm
nl Vincent Antwerpen, van 2025/01/14 21:30 00:18.024 436w 152bpm
ae Patrick OBrien 2025/01/15 21:30 00:17.892 379w 0bpm
cz Petr Brynda 2025/01/16 21:30 00:17.630 328w 153bpm
no Jan Nicolaisen 2025/01/16 21:30 00:17.586 381w 152bpm
de Maik Doerflinger 2025/01/16 21:30 00:17.399 447w 0bpm
it Screw Damage 2025/01/14 21:30 00:17.182 485w 186bpm
lu Florent L. 2025/01/14 21:30 00:17.136 714w 151bpm
ae kev mull 2025/01/13 21:30 00:16.226 658w 0bpm
se Patrik Ståhl 2025/01/13 21:30 00:15.875 692w 178bpm
se Roger Hallberg 2025/01/13 21:30 00:15.862 649w 131bpm
gb Luke B 2025/01/17 21:30 00:13.170 789w 147bpm
( Items: 1 - 29 from 29 )
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