Mompox City Sprint

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 49

Rider Date unfold_more Duration unfold_more Power unfold_more HR expand_less
ba Salem P 2025/01/13 21:30 00:19.810 240w 178bpm
ae Giovanni Cardone 2025/01/15 21:30 00:17.587 424w 169bpm
es FER LS 2025/01/16 21:30 00:15.405 640w 167bpm
de Stefan Pla 2025/01/13 21:30 00:18.327 372w 167bpm
pt Jorge Gonçalves 2025/01/14 21:30 00:18.051 288w 166bpm
pl Magdalena Golińska 2025/01/16 21:30 00:22.167 145w 166bpm
tr Ahmet Uz 2025/01/13 21:30 00:17.935 461w 166bpm
gb David Lovegood 2025/01/16 21:30 00:17.693 279w 161bpm
dk Emil Kaufmann 2025/01/13 21:30 00:16.718 559w 160bpm
pt Luis Monteiro 2025/01/15 11:15 00:20.449 310w 159bpm
de Sebastian Looping 2025/01/29 20:30 00:17.296 492w 158bpm
gb Chris Hargreaves 2025/01/17 21:30 00:20.514 232w 158bpm
ae Fabio Ferroni 2025/01/29 20:30 00:19.331 259w 157bpm
fr graffin anthony 2025/01/14 21:30 00:15.730 540w 157bpm
be Kevin Depresseux 2025/01/29 20:30 00:21.153 186w 156bpm
de Sebastian Geuthner 2025/01/14 21:30 00:16.467 343w 155bpm
be degrieve yann 2025/01/13 21:30 00:16.765 609w 155bpm
za Gideon Louw 2025/01/29 20:30 00:19.187 241w 154bpm
pl Marian Gągol 2025/01/15 21:30 00:19.199 199w 154bpm
ba Elvir Halilagic 2025/01/13 21:30 00:21.769 183w 153bpm
co Ramiro Villegas 2025/01/17 21:30 00:17.040 311w 153bpm
de Lukas Hirsch 2025/01/14 21:30 43:03.020 42w 148bpm
it Marco Ruga 2025/01/15 21:30 00:19.212 274w 146bpm
de Kater Karlo 2025/01/15 21:30 00:15.557 621w 145bpm
de Dennis Hans 2025/01/13 21:30 00:18.620 243w 145bpm
es Manolo Gonzalez 2025/01/13 21:30 00:14.312 783w 140bpm
de Rocco Mueller 2025/01/29 20:30 00:21.020 234w 133bpm
it Adriano Fachin 2025/01/29 20:30 00:21.799 160w 131bpm
ru P D 2025/01/14 21:30 00:21.284 192w 131bpm
ru Andrey Kuteynikov 2025/01/29 20:30 00:20.418 320w 130bpm
it Daniele Giusti 2025/01/29 20:30 00:22.105 184w 130bpm
de Tobias R. 2025/01/14 11:15 00:22.324 181w 127bpm
ae Luca Caterino 2025/01/14 21:30 00:19.634 254w 117bpm
ae bertrand tortochaux 2025/01/17 21:30 00:19.350 289w 84bpm
ae William Ragueneau 2025/01/13 21:30 00:19.594 289w 72bpm
ie Padraig O'Brien 2025/01/16 21:30 00:23.460 118w 58bpm
fr Fred Chevallot 2025/01/14 21:30 00:21.580 220w 0bpm
gb Daniel Smith 2025/01/13 21:30 00:18.704 279w 0bpm
es christian lorente 2025/01/29 20:30 00:19.163 270w 0bpm
it Daniele Bettazzi 2025/01/13 21:30 00:20.258 208w 0bpm
ae jacques gwenael 2025/01/14 21:30 00:19.127 242w 0bpm
it luca franco 2025/01/15 21:30 00:19.186 263w 0bpm
it Roberto Pederzolli 2025/01/29 20:30 00:20.858 222w 0bpm
bo alex barzola 2025/01/15 21:30 00:19.491 248w 0bpm
de Steffen Scheibenstock 2025/01/13 21:30 00:18.969 364w 0bpm
cl Jose Molina 2025/01/17 03:45 00:19.029 249w 0bpm
pt Luciano Pereira 2025/01/15 11:15 00:19.697 262w 0bpm
ae eric malenge 2025/01/13 21:30 00:19.312 231w 0bpm
it DAVIDE DIDO 2025/01/13 21:30 00:21.938 161w 0bpm
( Items: 1 - 49 from 49 )
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