Mompox City Sprint

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 29

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
se Anna Svärdström 2025/02/09 12:00 00:13.887 656w 159bpm
co Dorancy González Rúa 2025/02/09 12:00 00:14.147 683w 156bpm
de Pia Kummer 2025/02/09 12:00 00:14.216 719w 176bpm
se Anna Embring 2025/02/09 12:00 00:14.975 538w 152bpm
de Eleisa Haag 2025/02/09 12:00 00:15.214 491w 179bpm
se Julia Montgomery 2025/02/09 12:00 00:15.550 650w 122bpm
lt Ursulia Kesani 2025/02/09 12:00 00:15.749 416w 154bpm
gb Helen McKay 2025/02/09 12:00 00:15.857 448w 158bpm
us Emily Nyquist 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.064 333w 142bpm
nl Femke van de Vliet 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.074 436w 164bpm
pt Ana Caramelo 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.102 421w 158bpm
it Serena Vittori 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.108 362w 178bpm
se Sara Lundin 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.129 365w 156bpm
ca Stephanie briggs 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.137 392w 165bpm
ir mandana dehghan manshadi 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.258 381w 161bpm
gb Katerina Karamani 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.271 366w 157bpm
dk Amanda Poulsen 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.318 413w 140bpm
co Alejandra Jaramillo 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.321 398w 160bpm
au Katie Banerjee 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.420 363w 141bpm
de Dana Wagner 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.480 363w 167bpm
au Kate Trdin 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.505 366w 176bpm
pl Joanna Kalman 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.521 317w 152bpm
fi Jenny Ek 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.860 326w 162bpm
br Aline Francisco da Silva 2025/02/09 12:00 00:16.952 288w 173bpm
au Dayna Davidson 2025/02/09 12:00 00:17.041 345w 144bpm
pl Karolina Kołkowicz 2025/02/09 12:00 00:17.061 299w 173bpm
us Megan Stevens 2025/02/09 12:00 00:18.439 240w 150bpm
au Brianna Samuhel 2025/02/09 12:00 00:20.903 164w 169bpm
fi Minna Koistinen 2025/02/09 12:00 00:24.139 126w 130bpm
( Items: 1 - 29 from 29 )
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