Tel Moreeb Sprint

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 27

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
au Cam Winfield 2025/01/12 13:30 00:12.649 905w 185bpm
be Olivier Symoens 2025/01/12 13:30 00:12.778 986w 174bpm
se Tord Alenljung 2025/01/12 13:30 00:13.411 722w 170bpm
us Iker Mourelle 2025/01/12 13:30 00:13.524 839w 172bpm
us John Bruhn 2025/01/12 13:30 00:13.610 841w 170bpm
pl Marcin Wozniak 2025/01/12 13:30 00:15.215 305w 188bpm
gb Lewis Ridley 2025/01/12 13:30 00:15.260 436w 179bpm
de Che Hohwieler 2025/01/12 13:30 00:15.628 330w 182bpm
ae Mr X100 2025/01/12 13:30 00:15.708 393w 166bpm
de Simon Walter 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.087 330w 185bpm
dk Mads Buster 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.160 344w 188bpm
se Jonas Bjaerehed 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.504 410w 167bpm
co carlos ospina 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.526 384w 175bpm
fr Sébastien Havot 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.642 379w 192bpm
dk Lasse Parnell Hansen 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.673 389w 157bpm
nl Frank Thomson 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.680 323w 160bpm
br Josiel Ricardo Betti 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.691 305w 154bpm
fi Tatu Koistinen 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.835 370w 158bpm
ae SS . 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.918 354w 160bpm
se Jakob Björklund 2025/01/12 13:30 00:17.020 311w 176bpm
au Lucas Hoffman 2025/01/12 13:30 00:17.149 348w 168bpm
au Peter Milostić 2025/01/12 13:30 00:17.177 355w 153bpm
gb-sct David Goodall 2025/01/12 13:30 00:17.674 216w 161bpm
de Marc Santo 2025/01/12 13:30 00:19.819 248w 117bpm
de Moritz Ritter 2025/01/12 13:30 00:20.105 220w 131bpm
be Mathias Vanhee 2025/01/12 13:30 00:20.420 255w 155bpm
de christoph thiem 2025/01/12 13:30 00:24.204 145w 124bpm
( Items: 1 - 27 from 27 )
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