Tel Moreeb Sprint

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 18

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
be Jasper Paridaens 2025/01/12 13:30 00:11.808 1148w 202bpm
se Mika Söderström 2025/01/12 11:30 00:13.769 676w 185bpm
pl Michał Kamiński 2025/01/12 13:30 00:14.707 411w 171bpm
nz ollie jones 2025/01/12 13:30 00:15.250 415w 167bpm
de Jason Osborne 2025/01/12 13:30 00:15.290 392w 173bpm
no Njal Pedersen 2025/01/12 13:30 00:15.566 388w 177bpm
nz Michael Vink 2025/01/12 13:30 00:15.699 428w 167bpm
nl Arne Jacobs 2025/01/12 13:30 00:15.825 405w 170bpm
be Lennert Teugels 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.056 400w 170bpm
pl Krzysztof Król 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.292 383w 165bpm
dk Bjørn Andreassen 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.305 347w 150bpm
be Lionel Vujasin 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.453 387w 171bpm
us Elyse Gallegos 2025/01/12 11:30 00:16.598 374w 159bpm
se Johan Norén 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.622 262w 151bpm
be Stefan Van Aelst 2025/01/12 13:30 00:16.987 363w 173bpm
ir Saeid Safarzadeh 2025/01/12 13:30 00:19.074 253w 139bpm
us Zach Nehr 2025/01/12 13:30 00:19.916 247w 149bpm
nl Pim van Diemen 2025/01/12 13:30 00:20.838 176w 113bpm
( Items: 1 - 18 from 18 )
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