Snow Mountains Sprint

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 25

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_less Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
it Ciro Calendo 2025/02/01 20:30 00:28.697 95w 127bpm
ae Joxema Arruabarrena 2025/01/31 21:30 00:24.539 138w 0bpm
ie Davey OHa 2025/01/28 21:30 00:22.511 251w 0bpm
it Claudio Viscarelli 2025/01/27 21:30 00:22.181 214w 134bpm
br luiz wagner 2025/01/29 03:45 00:21.598 233w 156bpm
fr John DOE 2025/01/15 20:30 00:21.590 200w 132bpm
it Fabio Mazzu 2025/01/31 21:30 00:21.460 232w 174bpm
hu Lestar Gabor 2025/01/27 21:30 00:21.402 194w 155bpm
pt Dos Santos 2025/01/11 13:00 00:21.036 186w 0bpm
ae PEJEAN Frederic 2025/01/22 21:30 00:20.963 234w 0bpm
fr Renaud Bertoli 2025/01/22 21:30 00:20.178 249w 148bpm
it Tommaso Piovesana 2025/01/28 21:30 00:20.004 501w 144bpm
fr Vincent GVC 2025/01/28 21:30 00:19.817 226w 0bpm
ca Dylan Gravelle 2025/01/30 03:45 00:19.711 302w 0bpm
za George Solms 2025/01/27 21:30 00:19.503 254w 159bpm
br GUILHERME ZANFOLIN 2025/01/30 03:45 00:18.993 307w 165bpm
pt Paulo Rodrigues 2025/01/30 21:30 00:18.978 360w 173bpm
ch Fabio T 2025/01/27 21:30 00:18.840 405w 0bpm
it Screw Damage 2025/01/28 21:30 00:18.728 412w 182bpm
ae kev mull 2025/01/30 21:30 00:18.085 300w 0bpm
de Ralf Tepe 2025/01/28 21:30 00:18.068 578w 0bpm
se Fredrik Strid 2025/01/15 20:30 00:17.764 588w 0bpm
fr Cyril Barbosa 2025/01/29 21:30 00:17.432 461w 151bpm
it Simone Silvestri 2025/01/31 21:30 00:17.425 338w 0bpm
gb Tim J 2025/01/27 21:30 00:17.301 549w 156bpm
( Items: 1 - 25 from 25 )
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