Arctic Trail Sprint

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 52

Rider Date unfold_more Duration unfold_more Power unfold_more HR expand_more
de Stephan Kruse 2025/01/15 20:30 00:22.261 165w 0bpm
nl Bram TheFlash 2025/01/22 21:30 00:16.452 553w 0bpm
it piero rossi 2025/01/30 21:30 00:15.921 688w 0bpm
ae Tomasz Brzezinski 2025/01/22 21:30 00:23.431 174w 0bpm
fr phil Tisserand 2025/01/11 13:00 00:15.791 626w 0bpm
pt João Correia 2025/01/15 20:30 00:17.503 330w 0bpm
pt nuno silva 2025/01/27 21:30 00:20.375 217w 0bpm
ca Tim Walsh 2025/01/11 17:00 00:26.085 170w 0bpm
it Francesco Moriconi 2025/01/22 21:30 00:18.547 487w 0bpm
de Jonathas Lichter 2025/01/29 21:30 00:14.634 784w 0bpm
ae Borja Angulo 2025/01/27 21:30 00:17.699 405w 0bpm
ae Neil Atthecross 2025/01/31 03:45 00:20.144 231w 0bpm
ru Ivan Petrov 2025/01/11 13:00 00:16.589 404w 0bpm
it Daniele Bettazzi 2025/01/27 21:30 00:19.949 209w 0bpm
ae Mikel cheche 2025/01/27 21:30 00:16.709 468w 0bpm
ae florian Janot 2025/01/31 21:30 00:18.347 249w 0bpm
gb-sct Toni Escalera 2025/01/30 21:30 00:17.359 518w 0bpm
de Steffen Scheibenstock 2025/01/31 21:30 00:19.121 472w 0bpm
se Caroline Josefsson 2025/01/22 21:30 00:20.396 254w 0bpm
it Matteo Sala 2025/01/30 21:30 00:19.267 324w 0bpm
us Todd Kratzer 2025/01/31 21:30 00:19.935 214w 0bpm
pt Ruben Alves 2025/01/11 13:00 00:21.008 192w 0bpm
fr Thierry Queau 2025/01/28 21:30 00:22.786 160w 0bpm
gb-nir steve johnson 2025/01/30 21:30 00:18.722 297w 0bpm
fr jeanluc navarro 2025/01/11 17:00 00:19.305 216w 92bpm
es Iñaki Ortega 2025/01/29 21:30 00:26.513 112w 105bpm
us morris bloom 2025/01/31 21:30 00:23.498 148w 113bpm
es Raul GoDel 2025/01/27 21:30 00:17.043 301w 120bpm
at Heinz Gatscher 2025/02/01 20:30 00:16.573 499w 127bpm
gb-nir William Hornby 2025/01/29 21:30 00:16.909 501w 129bpm
es Vicent Ginestar 2025/01/30 21:30 00:23.153 156w 137bpm
de Ralf R 2025/01/31 21:30 00:19.170 335w 139bpm
fr Stephane LEROUZIC 2025/01/27 21:30 00:17.433 451w 140bpm
de Joerg Trockels 2025/01/31 21:30 00:20.610 258w 143bpm
fi Matti Pajari 2025/01/28 11:15 00:18.748 294w 147bpm
si alex Alexander 2025/01/28 21:30 00:17.663 307w 148bpm
it andrea rovaris 2025/01/27 21:30 00:16.972 272w 148bpm
fr Forty Two 2025/01/28 21:30 00:19.613 265w 151bpm
fr graffin anthony 2025/01/28 21:30 00:16.229 594w 154bpm
ae Tony Serrao 2025/01/27 21:30 00:19.072 447w 155bpm
us D DeRoche 2025/01/31 21:30 00:15.853 510w 158bpm
pl Bartosz Brandowski 2025/01/27 21:30 00:16.926 377w 159bpm
pl Rafal Bielsko-Biala 2025/01/27 21:30 00:17.822 376w 162bpm
de Joern Hillebrecht 2025/01/31 21:30 00:16.777 535w 165bpm
pt fabio severino 2025/01/31 21:30 00:18.065 328w 165bpm
za Danie deJager 2025/01/15 20:30 00:20.414 280w 169bpm
ae Kris Hlatky 2025/01/31 03:45 00:18.810 279w 171bpm
ae Jan Rotthues 2025/01/30 21:30 00:17.208 290w 171bpm
be degrieve yann 2025/01/11 17:00 00:15.359 748w 171bpm
de Tobias Steffen 2025/01/29 21:30 00:15.057 662w 172bpm
fr Bouzier Thomas 2025/01/31 21:30 00:15.389 477w 179bpm
fr dylan guivarch 2025/01/27 21:30 00:16.798 358w 189bpm
( Items: 1 - 52 from 52 )
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