Arctic Trail Sprint

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 21

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
it Paul Dellavesa 2025/01/27 21:30 00:15.472 554w 160bpm
gb Sean Gray 2025/01/30 21:30 00:15.650 530w 168bpm
be Robbe Vermandel 2025/01/11 17:00 00:15.653 457w 183bpm
pt Gil Nabo 2025/01/31 21:30 00:15.673 347w 149bpm
it Enrico Rolih 2025/01/27 21:30 00:16.117 524w 137bpm
gb-sct Paul Anderson 2025/01/29 21:30 00:16.173 495w 173bpm
ae Thibault Juillet 2025/01/27 21:30 00:16.349 373w 154bpm
fr Alexandre Maire 2025/01/31 21:30 00:16.691 317w 0bpm
fr Seth Bachellez 2025/01/27 21:30 00:16.846 245w 0bpm
it Alessandro Tosto (Deaf) 2025/02/01 20:30 00:17.083 457w 161bpm
fr Valentin Maud 2025/01/28 21:30 00:17.119 451w 179bpm
fr Flo Carrière 2025/01/22 21:30 00:17.143 442w 0bpm
gr thomas ioannou 2025/01/15 20:30 00:17.401 244w 168bpm
de Juliane Gaertner 2025/01/15 20:30 00:18.453 315w 0bpm
za Eugene Nyawo 2025/01/28 21:30 00:18.797 228w 179bpm
fr Antoine VILLEMIN 2025/01/31 21:30 00:19.163 254w 149bpm
co Sebastian Jaramillo 2025/01/30 03:45 00:20.595 154w 160bpm
br Denise Reis 2025/01/30 03:45 00:20.806 237w 0bpm
ae Andrea Stefanini 2025/01/28 21:30 00:21.362 160w 0bpm
be Sarah Versluys 2025/02/01 20:30 00:22.493 143w 0bpm
fr Camille Burette 2025/01/27 21:30 00:25.448 117w 0bpm
( Items: 1 - 21 from 21 )
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