Amusement Park Sprint

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 141

Rider Date unfold_more Duration unfold_more Power unfold_more HR expand_more
fr Martin Rembliere 2025/01/25 20:00 00:16.281 520w 0bpm
pl Magicd Biker 2025/01/20 21:30 00:16.714 471w 0bpm
ru Ivan Petrov 2025/01/18 17:00 00:16.936 405w 0bpm
at Michael Luger 2025/01/29 21:30 00:18.959 276w 0bpm
gb Garry Chambers 2025/01/20 21:30 00:20.269 239w 0bpm
pt Zé Tó 2025/01/20 21:30 00:15.298 715w 0bpm
ae mickael henwood 2025/01/18 13:00 00:19.058 323w 0bpm
kr Hankang KIM 2025/01/18 17:00 00:19.321 268w 0bpm
fr Mel Mougel 2025/01/25 20:00 00:26.096 111w 0bpm
it Luca Gaved 2025/01/22 21:30 00:16.743 453w 0bpm
it Marco Checchelani 2025/01/22 21:30 00:17.058 377w 0bpm
es Diego Martin 2025/01/22 21:30 00:15.788 852w 0bpm
gb-nir richard crinnion 2025/01/23 21:30 00:16.166 487w 0bpm
de Nick Dammers 2025/01/21 21:30 00:14.906 655w 0bpm
pl szymon janicki 2025/01/22 21:30 00:16.660 398w 0bpm
at Paul Pog 2025/01/24 21:30 00:20.539 265w 0bpm
ae alexi morin 2025/01/20 21:30 00:19.585 238w 0bpm
us Andrew Lim 2025/01/21 21:30 00:18.095 275w 0bpm
it Francesco Arese 2025/01/20 21:30 00:15.487 512w 0bpm
ae Goumand Guillaume 2025/01/21 21:30 00:15.945 581w 0bpm
fr Fab Fab 2025/01/18 13:00 00:26.715 153w 0bpm
ht Randy Haiti 2025/01/25 17:00 00:18.935 239w 0bpm
si Tadej Gec 2025/01/21 21:30 00:19.481 267w 0bpm
ae Nicolas Ansiaux 2025/01/21 21:30 00:22.663 153w 0bpm
tt Emile Abraham 2025/01/24 21:30 00:16.789 519w 0bpm
se Fredrik Strid 2025/01/17 21:30 00:17.696 662w 0bpm
ae Kris Th 2025/01/24 21:30 00:19.436 202w 0bpm
fr Christophe Treboutte 2025/01/25 20:00 00:19.623 233w 0bpm
be Ingemar Geenen 2025/01/24 11:45 00:21.794 197w 0bpm
ae Grzegorz Gula 2025/01/17 21:30 00:21.028 213w 0bpm
fr Thomas Philippon 2025/01/17 21:30 00:18.194 328w 0bpm
br Mateus Correa 2025/01/22 03:45 00:16.470 593w 0bpm
fr victor cantin 2025/01/25 20:00 00:17.331 676w 0bpm
kr manbok Jung 2025/01/25 17:00 00:17.643 377w 0bpm
pt Tomás Rodrigues 2025/01/20 21:30 00:20.208 325w 0bpm
fr laurent Cyclo19 2025/01/21 11:45 00:16.966 398w 0bpm
be Bert Cambier 2025/01/22 21:30 00:19.258 290w 0bpm
fr Florent Mougel 2025/01/25 20:00 00:20.678 226w 0bpm
fr Tiago Rencker 2025/01/18 17:00 00:20.561 211w 0bpm
fr alex neo 2025/01/20 21:30 00:19.342 363w 0bpm
ae Lukas Kuss 2025/01/25 20:00 00:20.046 270w 0bpm
se Caroline Josefsson 2025/01/17 21:30 00:19.537 397w 0bpm
es MSE azotedelfrances 2025/01/17 21:30 00:20.822 207w 0bpm
kr youngsun choi 2025/01/18 13:00 00:19.248 350w 0bpm
pt Carlos Tolinho 2025/01/23 11:45 00:14.291 789w 0bpm
pl Patryk Kulicki 2025/01/21 21:30 00:19.444 264w 0bpm
ae callum thomson 2025/01/23 03:45 00:19.359 311w 0bpm
af anders sor 2025/01/23 21:30 00:21.266 228w 0bpm
gb peter grindley 2025/01/24 21:30 00:20.003 273w 0bpm
se Idun Strid 2025/01/29 21:30 00:19.512 172w 0bpm
es Dani MRP 2025/01/25 20:00 00:19.839 290w 0bpm
pt Rui Jesus teles 2025/01/20 21:30 00:18.461 476w 0bpm
de Tim Winkler 2025/01/20 21:30 00:23.551 150w 0bpm
fr yan mag 2025/01/24 21:30 00:22.392 192w 0bpm
fr Vincent GVC 2025/01/21 21:30 00:18.850 272w 0bpm
fi Vincent Tiranzoni 2025/01/20 21:30 00:21.310 205w 0bpm
ae Ibai Sagastume 2025/01/20 21:30 00:17.987 512w 0bpm
de Chris Bamberg 2025/01/20 21:30 00:16.939 336w 0bpm
de Alex B. 2025/01/17 21:30 00:19.616 173w 0bpm
it luca franco 2025/01/21 21:30 00:19.047 289w 0bpm
de Franco Meinero 2025/01/21 21:30 00:18.319 257w 0bpm
de Stefan K. 2025/01/29 21:30 00:18.355 318w 0bpm
si Leon Todorović 2025/01/21 21:30 00:17.308 483w 0bpm
nl Jeroen Jansen 2025/01/25 20:00 00:19.230 425w 0bpm
fr FRANCK GRAUX 2025/01/18 17:00 00:19.104 407w 112bpm
ch Matt Bush 2025/01/25 20:00 00:21.955 232w 120bpm
it Michele Quitadamo 2025/01/25 17:00 00:21.532 235w 124bpm
de Rocky 1 2025/01/25 17:00 00:19.826 249w 125bpm
es isidoro m f 2025/01/21 21:30 00:18.436 277w 126bpm
be Birger Vandamme 2025/01/25 17:00 00:17.976 430w 132bpm
fr Anthony Antunes 2025/01/24 21:30 00:23.607 229w 133bpm
de Tob Paz 2025/01/18 17:00 00:20.443 270w 134bpm
es Daniel Vela 2025/01/25 20:00 00:17.684 584w 136bpm
es Félix Valsa 2025/01/21 21:30 00:16.762 277w 137bpm
fr Matthieu Aubin 2025/01/22 21:30 00:18.736 385w 137bpm
ae frank storeboe 2025/01/20 21:30 00:24.061 151w 137bpm
it Francesco Florio 2025/01/24 21:30 00:21.373 247w 137bpm
be La Voisier 2025/01/17 21:30 00:15.791 693w 139bpm
es Pedro Ros 2025/01/21 21:30 00:20.249 165w 142bpm
fr Fabrice Buisine 2025/01/24 21:30 00:20.395 239w 143bpm
fr Renaud Bertoli 2025/01/21 21:30 00:20.506 235w 143bpm
it Guido Borio 2025/01/23 21:30 00:18.336 514w 143bpm
us KJ Phillips-COALITION 2025/01/25 20:00 00:18.990 360w 144bpm
es sergio keko 2025/01/23 21:30 00:22.426 166w 144bpm
fr NICOLAS PRIEUR 2025/01/24 21:30 00:20.778 215w 144bpm
fr Stevens Ployart 2025/01/17 21:30 00:18.651 228w 145bpm
cr Andres mora 2025/01/23 03:45 00:21.264 225w 145bpm
pl Bartłomiej Czerniło 2025/01/20 21:30 00:16.903 432w 147bpm
es Alberto Sanchez 2025/01/24 11:45 00:21.602 194w 147bpm
ie Padraig O'Brien 2025/01/22 21:30 00:23.084 179w 149bpm
es Josep Simó Soler 2025/01/21 21:30 00:22.276 263w 149bpm
us Lon Youngberg 2025/01/21 21:30 00:16.246 513w 149bpm
gb-nir Budge Hall 2025/01/24 21:30 00:17.307 608w 152bpm
sk Martin Dithalm 2025/01/18 13:00 00:18.611 501w 152bpm
fr Jean-Marc Larguier 2025/01/22 11:45 00:17.173 575w 153bpm
ae Gianni Grosso 2025/01/20 21:30 00:16.698 465w 155bpm
de Steve Worch 2025/01/21 11:45 00:17.481 324w 155bpm
it Andrea Fattore 2025/01/23 21:30 00:20.743 274w 155bpm
de Frank Schmitz 2025/01/17 21:30 00:20.012 352w 156bpm
fr Delphine Buisine 2025/01/24 21:30 00:26.853 100w 156bpm
( Items: 1 - 100 from 141 )
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