King Of The Mountain

Distance: 10km

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 24

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
ae Mr X100 2022/05/29 14:00 17:54.100 379w 149bpm
ae SS . 2022/05/29 14:00 17:54.130 363w 148bpm
co juan hoyos 2022/05/29 14:00 17:54.500 386w 172bpm
be Stefan Van Aelst 2022/05/29 14:00 17:54.660 378w 177bpm
nz Michael Vink 2022/05/29 14:00 17:54.730 388w 167bpm
de Jason Osborne 2022/05/29 14:00 17:54.760 388w 151bpm
au Tim Cutler 2022/05/29 14:00 17:54.920 378w 171bpm
br Pablo Popovitch 2022/05/29 14:00 17:55.060 375w 165bpm
us Zach Nehr 2022/05/29 14:00 17:55.250 370w 172bpm
nz ollie jones 2022/05/29 14:00 17:55.250 399w 161bpm
ir Saeid Safarzadeh 2022/05/08 14:00 18:52.940 353w 153bpm
be Bart Van Den Eeckhaut 2022/05/29 14:00 19:05.310 359w 167bpm
dk michael knudsen 2022/06/12 14:00 19:20.500 349w 164bpm
nz campbell pithie 2022/06/19 14:00 19:59.640 326w 170bpm
be Olivier Symoens 2022/05/29 14:00 20:00.660 330w 165bpm
it davide fumagalli 2022/04/10 20:00 20:03.060 356w 153bpm
be Jasper Paridaens 2022/06/19 14:00 21:07.320 317w 161bpm
ma Bdadou Youssef 2022/04/10 20:00 21:37.320 296w 179bpm
se Jakob Björklund 2022/06/12 14:00 21:47.700 287w 172bpm
us John Bruhn 2022/04/10 20:00 21:58.530 277w 167bpm
gb Ross Fawcett 2022/06/19 14:00 23:04.020 285w 160bpm
nz boris clark 2022/04/10 20:00 24:36.980 255w 143bpm
be Tim Elskens 2022/06/12 14:00 30:32.140 183w 155bpm
cz Daniel Turek 2022/04/10 20:00 35:14.750 174w 101bpm
( Items: 1 - 24 from 24 )
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