Bahrain Sprint

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 19

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
pl Krzysztof Łabno 2025/01/05 13:30 00:13.307 1215w 162bpm
fi Antti Järvinen 2025/01/05 13:30 00:13.779 853w 161bpm
it Enrico Quadrelli 2025/01/05 13:30 00:13.884 709w 164bpm
se Fredrik Sjöberg 2025/01/05 13:30 00:13.993 600w 181bpm
au Riley Milostic 2025/01/05 13:30 00:15.004 788w 161bpm
gb John Ilett 2025/01/05 13:30 00:16.719 326w 149bpm
co Pablo Cortes Botero 2025/01/05 13:30 00:16.882 288w 163bpm
ie Darran Kearney 2025/01/05 13:30 00:16.960 428w 174bpm
au Stephen Yates 2025/01/05 13:30 00:17.135 231w 126bpm
ph johnson Cutab 2025/01/05 13:30 00:17.190 236w 157bpm
nz Cameron Dadson 2025/01/05 13:30 00:17.271 340w 178bpm
co Esteban Montoya 2025/01/05 13:30 00:17.315 293w 184bpm
co jose monsalve 2025/01/05 13:30 00:18.705 185w 176bpm
ph MANUELITO LEONADOR 2025/01/05 13:30 00:19.138 165w 135bpm
br Cassiano Medeiros 2025/01/05 13:30 00:19.409 188w 162bpm
in Roshanraj Teron 2025/01/05 13:30 00:19.847 164w 187bpm
ie Brendan Phelan 2025/01/05 13:30 00:20.507 171w 145bpm
us Marcos Brito 2025/01/05 13:30 00:21.107 149w 151bpm
br Renato Sartorio Ramos 2025/01/05 13:30 00:23.336 110w 120bpm
( Items: 1 - 19 from 19 )
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