Abu Dhabi Bridge Sprint

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 31

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
fi Patrik Karlström 2025/01/05 13:30 00:13.525 893w 163bpm
se Niclas Hägglund 2025/01/05 13:30 00:13.955 842w 150bpm
fi Jerry Piipponen 2025/01/05 13:30 00:14.334 798w 170bpm
fi Karoliina Leinonen 2025/01/05 11:30 00:15.233 535w 159bpm
nz Claudia Hyde 2025/01/05 11:30 00:15.233 546w 186bpm
co Nicolas Urrego 2025/01/05 13:30 00:15.470 444w 153bpm
fi Jarno Piik 2025/01/05 13:30 00:15.791 543w 145bpm
de Karsten Meier 2025/01/05 13:30 00:15.949 552w 162bpm
gb-sct David Goodall 2025/01/05 13:30 00:15.951 421w 153bpm
co santiago velez 2025/01/05 13:30 00:16.014 432w 179bpm
no Roar Sollie 2025/01/05 13:30 00:16.083 397w 169bpm
gb-wls Robert Edwards 2025/01/05 13:30 00:16.185 476w 151bpm
br Paulo Kirchner 2025/01/05 13:30 00:16.272 407w 169bpm
se Henrik Öijer 2025/01/05 13:30 00:16.294 447w 185bpm
pl Mateusz Kalman 2025/01/05 13:30 00:16.318 491w 163bpm
ca Arvin Moazami Godarzi 2025/01/05 13:30 00:16.421 455w 137bpm
gb Lewis Ridley 2025/01/05 13:30 00:16.474 509w 168bpm
de Konrad Fenderich 2025/01/05 13:30 00:16.730 423w 157bpm
nl Femke van de Vliet 2025/01/05 11:30 00:16.733 347w 190bpm
se Daniel Tidholm 2025/01/05 13:30 00:16.840 398w 142bpm
gb Kate Macleod 2025/01/05 11:30 00:16.875 308w 182bpm
de Jenny Daniel 2025/01/05 11:30 00:16.954 369w 195bpm
co Carlos Ramirez 2025/01/05 13:30 00:17.211 364w 152bpm
pl Bernard Wojnas 2025/01/05 13:30 00:17.284 410w 155bpm
it Filippo Quadrelli 2025/01/05 13:30 00:17.359 367w 160bpm
co Juan Martin Mesa 2025/01/05 13:30 00:17.438 363w 159bpm
pl damian kiersnowski 2025/01/05 13:30 00:17.485 300w 158bpm
de Kimberly Miller 2025/01/05 11:30 00:17.633 297w 166bpm
us Nathan Guerra 2025/01/05 13:30 00:17.679 327w 175bpm
co Jaime Velez 2025/01/05 13:30 00:20.735 200w 133bpm
co Jose Rodriguez 2025/01/05 13:30 00:21.528 186w 146bpm
( Items: 1 - 31 from 31 )
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