Al Dar Hq Sprint

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 18

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
gb Katie Baggott 2025/01/05 11:30 00:15.695 595w 187bpm
co Cristina Arias 2025/01/05 11:30 00:15.902 450w 164bpm
it Claudia Gentili 2025/01/12 11:30 00:16.402 450w 178bpm
co Isabela Giraldo 2025/01/12 11:30 00:16.417 475w 181bpm
nz Jessica Hamilton 2025/01/19 12:00 00:16.523 629w 155bpm
nz Jessica Hamilton 2025/01/12 11:30 00:16.523 687w 174bpm
au bridget bremner 2025/01/05 11:30 00:16.692 440w 167bpm
br Jaqueline Kirchner 2025/01/12 11:30 00:16.939 448w 163bpm
co Diana corrales 2025/01/05 11:30 00:16.966 388w 168bpm
au Amy Thompson 2025/01/05 11:30 00:17.077 444w 181bpm
gb Lisa Hopkins 2025/01/12 11:30 00:17.370 570w 163bpm
ph Carla Leonor 2025/01/05 11:30 00:18.337 329w 156bpm
au Alicia Fiedler 2025/01/12 11:30 00:18.646 277w 161bpm
co Julieth Narvaez 2025/01/12 11:30 00:18.764 240w 183bpm
br Sandra Aparecida Ferron 2025/01/05 11:30 00:19.078 265w 165bpm
ph Ronamae Joy Mier 2025/01/05 11:30 00:19.459 192w 157bpm
th Phanutchakorn Sarasuk 2025/01/12 11:30 00:19.794 191w 190bpm
co ANGIE PARRA 2025/01/12 11:30 00:20.129 178w 175bpm
ae krisabel grace palo 2025/01/05 11:30 00:20.384 139w 183bpm
( Items: 1 - 19 from 19 )
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