Abu Dhabi Sprint

Distance: 300m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 12

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
se Gabriella Nordin 2025/01/26 12:00 00:16.988 369w 153bpm
se Nellie Larsson 2025/01/26 12:00 00:17.252 304w 138bpm
za Kelsey jade Van schoor 2025/01/26 12:00 00:17.258 276w 149bpm
se Cornelia Engström 2025/01/26 12:00 00:17.282 290w 156bpm
de Merle Brunnee 2025/01/26 12:00 00:17.485 329w 145bpm
it Francesca Tommasi 2025/01/26 12:00 00:17.575 275w 148bpm
co Jessenia Meneses 2025/01/26 12:00 00:17.965 272w 125bpm
us Stefanie Sydlik 2025/01/26 12:00 00:18.143 275w 133bpm
us Kristen Kulchinsky 2025/01/26 12:00 00:18.155 254w 169bpm
it Roberta Bussone 2025/01/26 12:00 00:18.588 219w 129bpm
se Marlene Bjärehed 2025/01/26 12:00 00:18.727 235w 157bpm
br Gabriela Guerra 2025/01/26 12:00 00:19.372 205w 119bpm
( Items: 1 - 12 from 12 )
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