Lindenhof Climb

Distance: 1.8km

Elevation: 93m, 5.2%


Rider count: 24

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
ph Joshua Calang Ad 2024/09/29 13:40 04:21.507 325w 154bpm
au Jonathon Cridland 2024/09/29 13:40 04:21.725 355w 172bpm
co Diego Navarro 2024/09/29 13:40 04:21.989 355w 171bpm
se Albin Bogren 2024/09/29 13:40 04:22.808 341w 160bpm
co Jairo Calderon 2024/09/29 13:40 04:23.710 337w 164bpm
br Diouzer Somavilla 2024/09/29 13:40 04:24.100 356w 172bpm
ph Mac Manroe Leonador 2024/09/29 13:40 04:27.060 341w 162bpm
ae BU Amer 2024/09/29 13:40 04:33.676 346w 161bpm
be xavier maillard 2024/09/29 13:40 04:34.824 335w 162bpm
fr florian dromard 2024/09/29 13:40 04:42.770 320w 167bpm
cz Petr Otruba 2024/09/29 13:40 04:48.002 322w 154bpm
co Alexis Agudelo 2024/09/29 13:40 05:01.760 286w 153bpm
lt Vytautas Jokubonis 2024/09/29 13:40 05:13.279 279w 178bpm
tr Mohammad mokhtari 2024/09/29 13:40 05:14.945 294w 167bpm
nz Georgina Hyde 2024/11/17 11:45 05:30.391 271w 178bpm
gb Katie Baggott 2024/09/29 11:45 05:45.771 258w 185bpm
nz Hannah Goodall 2024/09/29 11:45 05:46.626 246w 188bpm
nz Petra Aitken 2024/09/29 11:45 05:54.733 238w 160bpm
au bridget bremner 2024/09/29 11:45 06:01.117 231w 169bpm
ph MANUELITO LEONADOR 2024/09/29 13:40 06:02.909 252w 152bpm
se Elin Bogren 2024/09/29 11:45 06:05.821 224w 170bpm
br Sandra Aparecida Ferron 2024/09/29 11:45 06:24.748 211w 175bpm
ca Dominique Charlebois 2024/11/17 11:45 06:24.835 224w 191bpm
au Amy Thompson 2024/09/29 11:45 07:00.096 198w 170bpm
( Items: 1 - 24 from 24 )
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