Lindenhof Climb

Distance: 1.8km

Elevation: 93m, 5.2%


Rider count: 39

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
de christoph thiem 2024/09/29 13:40 03:42.354 432w 176bpm
be Mathias Vanhee 2024/09/29 13:40 03:42.586 427w 181bpm
se Jonas Bjaerehed 2024/09/29 13:40 03:42.722 411w 158bpm
gb Nile Battey 2024/09/29 13:40 03:42.904 267w 184bpm
de David Dähn 2024/09/29 13:40 03:43.535 400w 164bpm
ma Saad Khereddine 2024/09/29 13:40 03:43.639 398w 177bpm
be Olivier Symoens 2024/09/29 13:40 03:44.122 441w 161bpm
nz James Harvey 2024/09/29 13:40 03:44.260 479w 193bpm
de Che Hohwieler 2024/09/29 13:40 03:45.139 435w 165bpm
au Cam Winfield 2024/09/29 13:40 03:45.179 439w 173bpm
tr Berk Kayin 2024/09/29 13:40 03:45.382 346w 174bpm
nz Zakk Patterson 2024/09/29 13:40 03:45.461 468w 178bpm
ma mohamed El Alami 2024/09/29 13:40 03:45.554 374w 173bpm
ug ivan njuki 2024/09/29 13:40 03:45.608 365w 191bpm
nz Alex Heaney 2024/09/29 13:40 03:45.672 428w 165bpm
gb philip graves 2024/09/29 13:40 03:45.900 469w 163bpm
co carlos ospina 2024/09/29 13:40 03:46.327 436w 173bpm
co Cristhian Montoya 2024/09/29 13:40 03:46.328 358w 163bpm
fr Frédéric Gombert 2024/09/29 13:40 03:46.352 395w 171bpm
us John Bruhn 2024/09/29 13:40 03:47.098 393w 164bpm
de Simon Walter 2024/09/29 13:40 03:47.263 409w 170bpm
au Peter Milostić 2024/09/29 13:40 03:47.464 415w 151bpm
be Wouter Claes 2024/09/29 13:40 03:47.571 450w 158bpm
tr Kaan Kayin 2024/09/29 13:40 03:47.865 338w 166bpm
it Daniel Benedetti 2024/09/29 13:40 03:48.214 356w 162bpm
ae Mr X100 2024/09/29 13:40 03:53.487 438w 168bpm
gb Andrew Rushmer 2024/09/29 13:40 03:57.303 339w 164bpm
ae Hassan sultan 2024/09/29 13:40 03:58.139 387w 169bpm
co CAOSPI Hernandez 2024/09/29 13:40 04:02.000 398w 151bpm
pl Mateusz Kalman 2024/09/29 13:40 04:05.486 387w 175bpm
se Henrik Öijer 2024/09/29 13:40 04:05.632 390w 180bpm
bh mohammed alqais 2024/09/29 13:40 04:05.917 359w 159bpm
se Erik Rindborg 2024/09/29 13:40 04:11.521 414w 181bpm
fi Joona Tuikka 2024/09/29 13:40 04:30.579 335w 164bpm
pl Andrzej Dyduch 2024/09/29 13:40 04:35.075 299w 163bpm
co Jose Rodriguez 2024/09/29 13:40 04:44.738 299w 145bpm
co Alejandro Largo 2024/09/29 13:40 04:49.200 278w 163bpm
pl Jakub Obitko 2024/09/29 13:40 05:51.686 242w 135bpm
us Ian McCarrell 2024/09/29 13:40 06:00.371 276w 135bpm
( Items: 1 - 39 from 39 )
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