Lindenhof Climb

Distance: 1.8km

Elevation: 93m, 5.2%


Rider count: 16

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
de Merle Brunnee 2024/11/17 11:45 04:02.087 311w 179bpm
br Gabriela Guerra 2024/11/17 11:45 04:03.213 294w 171bpm
us Kristen Kulchinsky 2024/09/29 11:45 04:04.275 289w 174bpm
se Marlene Bjärehed 2024/09/29 11:45 04:04.688 292w 183bpm
se Cornelia Engström 2024/09/29 11:45 04:12.985 268w 166bpm
za Kelsey jade Van schoor 2024/09/29 11:45 04:13.264 248w 189bpm
it Sophie Giovane 2024/09/29 11:45 04:14.330 258w 167bpm
co Jessenia Meneses 2024/11/17 11:45 04:16.422 274w 159bpm
us Stefanie Sydlik 2024/11/17 11:45 04:19.281 285w 162bpm
it Roberta Bussone 2024/11/17 11:45 04:25.342 255w 168bpm
se Nellie Larsson 2024/09/29 11:45 04:30.381 267w 159bpm
jp Junsei Honda 2024/09/29 13:40 04:30.817 286w 158bpm
ph Jermyn Prado 2024/11/17 11:45 04:45.092 255w 171bpm
us Emily Nyquist 2024/11/17 11:45 04:45.279 237w 166bpm
de Pia Kummer 2024/11/17 11:45 04:59.104 240w 165bpm
ir mandana dehghan manshadi 2024/09/29 11:45 05:14.710 232w 162bpm
( Items: 1 - 16 from 16 )
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